Discussion and support
For posts about general topics, that are directly aimed at seeking mutual support, or for posts that don’t fit into other categories.
We know that some forum users are going through a lot of trauma and stress. Please be aware that some people will find certain posts upsetting.
If you need support, please contact our confidential Stop It Now helpline:
- Call 0808 1000 900: Monday to Thursday 9am to 9pm, Friday 9am to 5pm
- Visit stopitnow.org.uk/helpline to send us a secure message or use our live chat
Topics | Replies | Last activity |
Somethings got to giveby Maria on Tue January 29, 2019 10:51am |
7 |
by Big sigh |
Just brokenby Scrappy on Wed January 30, 2019 12:00pm |
6 |
by Big sigh |
Victimsby Esther on Wed September 12, 2018 7:59pm |
3 |
by Andrea |
Life after prisonby Helen Truscott on Sun September 30, 2018 10:46am |
8 |
by RebeccaS |
How do you come to terms with itby Maria on Tue October 23, 2018 7:43am |
4 |
by Scooby |
3 days in.....by E on Tue December 18, 2018 5:05am |
26 |
by Bethlou23 |
3 months inby Vic87 on Mon December 31, 2018 8:18pm |
2 |
by Onwards&upwards |
Informby Paula on Thu October 11, 2018 8:46am |
5 |
by SophieT |
Inform Courseby KLK on Mon November 5, 2018 1:18pm |
4 |
by CrazyMayBaby |
Keep moving forwardby Esther on Wed October 31, 2018 8:45pm |
5 |
by Paula |
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