Family and Friends Forum

How to keep going

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Member since
November 2019

8 posts

Hi all.

We had the knock in November last year. The police said they had intelligence relating to our IP address and seized all phones, laptops etc.

They couldn't/ wouldn't say who they were investigating specifically and no one was arrested.

At the time of the knock my husband was working away, so it was just me in the house. I have never felt so sick and scared in my life. I was off sick at the time with severe depression and anxiety, and am still off now.

My husband denies doing anything wrong. Do I believe him? I truly don't know. He knows that if he has done anything, it will be the end of our marriage. I am a survivor of abuse myself and the thought of this type of heinous crime makes me feel physically sick.

A few weeks after the knock, work friends came round to see me as I had not been replying to texts. But also, my work has been informed of the investigation (I work in health care). My friends said they were there for me and would support me, but have since gone quiet.

I have spoken to a senior manager at work who said I would not be allowed to have any patient contact until the investigation rules me out. This breaks my heart, as I love my job and I have worked so hard to get where I have.

I was having CBT for my depression and anxiety, but the therapist has said that until I have more answers about the situation, my therapy is on hold. My works counseling service will not see me because there is an ongoing investigation.

I have spoken to solicitors who advised that in my area, it could take a year for devices to come back.

Posted Sun February 9, 2020 9:00pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

8 posts

Sorry, I hit submit before finishing.

Basically, I feel all doors are shutting around me.

Yes, I am being investigated, but I have done nothing wrong!!

I just want it over. I need answers. I'm really struggling now. I feel so confused. I don't know who I can trust. I don't feel there is any help because i am being investigated, I must be guilty

People I thought I could trust, I don't know if I can. I can't go back to work until I get answers.

How do people cope with the uncertainty of the fact their marriage may end?

I'm really struggling to see any future at the moment.

Sorry for rambling

Thank you for listening xxxx

Posted Sun February 9, 2020 9:07pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

So sorry scared to hear you are going thru this. Have you spoke. To the officer investigating to see if they are any further being able to say who they are investigating? Have you spoken to the help line they maybe able to advise you further. Keep strong x

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 3:59pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

So sorry scared to hear you are going thru this. Have you spoke. To the officer investigating to see if they are any further being able to say who they are investigating? Have you spoken to the help line they maybe able to advise you further. Keep strong x

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 4:00pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

14 posts

See my post re making an official complaint to the police about abuse of your human rights

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 4:39pmReport post

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