Family and Friends Forum

Just a vent of frustration

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Member since
March 2019

62 posts

So, Saturday was my husband's 50th birthday, and yesterday was the 11th march nth anniversary of The Knock. Safe to say his birthday was pretty miserable, not least because his family have disowned him and he's still suffering depression/anxiety. I'll not be with him on valentine's because I'm a bridesmaid at my brother's wedding - to which he has not been invited. I just want to scream at the police, hasn't he been punished enough?! It's literally sucked the life out the man. It's taking our lives.

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 8:33amReport post


Member since
March 2019

62 posts

*11th month anniversary.

This is just a self-pitying post, but I am so *tired* of it, dragging on and sucking the link for out of us. Please tell me there's an end, or at least a change, to give me strength? I can't beat we're looking at a year, fast approaching. :-(

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 8:39amReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hi Kis

Your not alone in this nightmare... My partner has also been disowned by his family and no one got in touch or sent him a card over Christmas. He too was told not to attend my daughters wedding by the bride groom as there were children present.

People are very judgemental and have this fear that every offender is a monster, potential rapist or murderer.

This Christmas I was told that some people objected to me putting my partners name on cards... It made them feel uncomfortable allegedly.

I have stayed with him, its a tough decision but one which I do not regret. This new life is not of my making but I hope that in the future the walls that I've been put up will start to come down and others will see he is no threat, just a stupid man who went down into the rabbit hole of porn and its associated addiction.

Take care... and best wishes

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 8:52amReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

I feel your pain. 2+ years and only just got a court date. I feel I've served a sentence already and I'm supposed to be the innocent one. It's awful and no one can talk about it.

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 10:41amReport post

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