Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 12:11pmReport post

It's been reported on the BBC that the porn hub adult site had 48 BILLION hits in 2019.

They state its an 18% increase from 2018. When asked why they have headings such as little teens, teenie, choked teen, drunk teen and why hadn't such images been removed there reply... Freedom of Speech.

Go figure.... And society will reap what its sows...

This problem won't be solved until governments get a grip and control this internet monster.

Just my opinion...


Member since
July 2019

91 posts

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 1:29pmReport post

Hi Snowdrop and Lee1969

I don't understand how this organisation which is an adult porn site can have headings which infer that the images are of children (under 18). By doing so are they not inciting people to commit a crime by viewing indecent images of children? Are the police persuing the company like they would if someone incited a criminal act such as shoplifting or burglary?

It seems all too easy to go after individuals who visit these sites but there seems to be no crime prevention going on by the legal system. If the providers of such images were stopped then the police would not be so overwhelmed by cases of iioc. It is clear they are not able to cope because from what I read here it is normal for cases to take up to 2 and a half years to get to court!

Sorry for the rant but heading for first anniversary of the knock and just frustrated by this life of limbo.

Best wishes to all in a similar situation.

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 5:27pmReport post

I agree completely, I'm horrified at the kind of stuff that is available. I've read a book called The Porn Trap which was recommended by the LF counsellor who took my husband through the Inform course. She said it would help me to understand how he'd got to the state he was in. It helped a bit.


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 8:35pmReport post

According to the BBC article a 14 year old girl was raped and the attack videod and posted on porn hub... The victim had to wait over 6 months for it to be removed, by then it had been downloaded thousands of times.

Porn hub allege that they use a scanning technique to identify indecent images of videos uploaded to its site however they couldn't say if all the videos they received are legal or taken with consent.

They further stated that there site is accessed 1,200 times every SECOND which makes it difficult to police... As I've said, it's a monster which I believe is out of control and will cause misery for teenagers and adults in the future.


Member since
October 2019

26 posts

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 7:46pmReport post

I am not afraid to say I have used/use (mainstream) porn. But after this has all happened I notice more the titles.

The whole industry needs regulation and I was deeply unimpressed to read pornhub's stance.

What I don't understand is why do some porn addicts start to turn to illegal and abusive materials whilst other porn addicts don't. Are they more addicted? More head in the sand? Less moral?

Porn seems to be the gateway, but how come some can say "nah I'm not doing that?" Why couldn't my (ex)husband stop himself the first time accessing abuse images.


Member since
February 2020

14 posts

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 9:03pmReport post

Just another example of how the establishment (despite what it says publicly) has no intention of doing anything concrete to stop indecent images appearing (from whatever source) online.I include in the establishment Politicians,the police,solicitors and barristers and certain charitable organisations.All of them have a vested interest in keeping the industry going.


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 9:33pmReport post

I guess with any addiction you don't know until you expose yourself to something whether you are susceptible to becoming addicted. For my partner he does have a personality trait of wanting to go to extremes and 'push the boundaries' or just gets bored. Which lead him down a dark path and he knew better but still got caught up. It does annoy me seeing so many teen porn uploads. I think there should be a ban on amateur porn of people who look younger than 25. Better education also to people about the dangers of porn. I was taught in sex ed that porn is not realistic but wasn't until I was older that I learned about how Pepe can get involved in illegal viewing. Mainstream porn is defo a gate way for some.

On a slight off topic...should I be encouraging watching porn with my partner of mainstream videos with adults? He had porn addiction but I'm not sure if it is over for him now or if I could trigger him again.