Family and Friends Forum

Child in need process

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Member since
December 2019

15 posts

Hi, sorry if this has been covered alteady. Just wondered how long this process lasts? I've read one document that states it should be in place for 12 months, but this wasn't from child services where I live. I asked them for a copy and they can't gind it on their intranet.

Just wondered if you are expected to disclose to your employer that your child is on that? Just wondering if they've overstepped the mark? Will this never end? It's one thing after another. I've done everything they've asked, short of divorce him.

Keep strong ladies xx

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 4:16pmReport post

Slowly sinking in

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May 2019

21 posts

Hi Jr64,

Do you mean how long as a minimum a child will be on a child in need plan? If so, my son has recently been downgraded from a child protection plan to a child in need plan. Our social worker said that the minimum he will be on this is 3 months. Now I don’t know if this is because he was already on the child protection plan before hand and if he hadn’t have been then it would have been longer but that’s what we were told.

In terms of telling your employer that your child is on a child in need plan; I’m not sure why they would have reason to or what justification they would have.

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 8:26pmReport post


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February 2020

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My daughter was only on a child in need plan while her father was around. He has recently been sentenced to 12 months in prison so she has been signed off the plan. A new plan will be put in place upon his release should I decide to let him have contact with her.

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 8:46pmReport post


Member since
October 2019

26 posts

Our social worker is going to recommend at our first 3 month review that our case be closed. So, I think 3 months is the minimum.

Posted Mon February 10, 2020 10:26pmReport post


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July 2019

394 posts

Hi after section 47 assessment had been competed we moved onto child in need she saw me one more time to give me some paperwork an action of the assessment outcome and then the case was closed this was all within about a month no meetings etc. Families can stay on CP or CIN for about 12months and hopefully In that time things should have progressed if not they consider PLO to get things moving.

keep strong everyone! Xx

Posted Tue February 11, 2020 3:45pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Hi jr64

my daughter has been on a child in need plan since October 2018 when we got the knock, my husband lives away and I supervise contact away from the family home, my social worker said at our last meeting that the plan isn't really 'active' at the moment as she has no concerns that we are not doing everything we've been told to, my daughters school are involved but only 2 support workers who informed me that nobody else at school knows and they are there purely for support for my daughter if she needs it, my husband has only in the past 3 weeks been informed of his charges and I'm not sure if my social worker is aware of them yet, I was made aware from the beginning that a child in need plan is voluntary and the people involved could only be if I agreed, we have regular visits and meetings and to be honest it's been ok, they told me that the plan is only in place now because I am still in a relationship with my husband, I asked at the last meeting if we could have supervised contact at home as going out all the time was expensive so I'm hoping she will give me a decision today when I see her although I'm not counting my chickens as the charges sound worse than we first thought, we're just doing as were told and hoping that one day we can be a normal family again x

Posted Mon February 24, 2020 10:01amReport post


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

Sorry forgot to answer the question about your boss knowing, it's nothing to do with them and like I was told it's voluntary and your decision who knows


Posted Mon February 24, 2020 10:03amReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

Hmmm, thanks for that. SS stated i had to tell them, implying or else!! They already knew, but it's a bit more ammo for my complaint letter.

Thanks for letting me know xx

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 5:08pmReport post

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