Family and Friends Forum

Sexual Risk Order/Sex harm prevention order

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Member since
October 2018

2 posts

please can anyone advice on this.

what are people experiences of these orders ?

My Son is not being cautioned and there will be no conviction. He is not being put on the sex offenders register.

There were no images on his devices.

He has a wife and 3 month old baby.

Social services are involved and a child in need plan is being put in place.

he is not allowed to live at home at this time.

has anyone had any experience of child protect if he was to return home ?

Posted Mon November 26, 2018 10:52am
Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 9:41pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Sorry i dont have any experience of risk orders. I guess it depends what the risk is. If he faces no prosecution or caution then the risk order is given by the court as they cannot prosecute but feel he still poses a potential risk. Whats on the risk order will depend who they think he poses a risk to and in what way. Child services will likely hold a multi agency meeting looking at the risk posed to his child. From my experience so far is a long and ongoing process. A child in need plan will be made for the family to follow. Child services will make their own assessment regardless whether there is a conviction or not. Im not sure if my partner will ever be able to live at home so i cant help with that question. I hope child services work with each family and access each case individually. Its a very stressful time for the whole family. The helpline maybe able to advise you.

Posted Mon November 26, 2018 11:18am
Edited by moderator Tue November 27, 2018 3:05pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

2 posts

I should have said this all happened due to my son going to his GP and saying he had a porn addiction.

The GP ask what he had been viewing and my son said that he had clicked on some links and some dodgy images are come up and this was tearing him to pieces.

The GP then phoned MASH and all hell broke loose.

Posted Mon November 26, 2018 11:19am
Edited by moderator Tue November 27, 2018 3:05pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

108 posts

How horrendous for you!

Your son did the right thing by reaching out for help before things got out of control and yet he’s being punished for it, I have a child in need plan meeting tomorrow! My husband works away so he can’t attend and I’ve not received any of the details about the meeting as promised which leaves me totally unprepared, my husband is not allowed to visit our home at the moment and can only see our daughter in public places under my supervision, I’m under the impression this could change following the meeting but whether that means I’m not suitable to be the supervisor we don’t know, I’m just going to go along with what ever they say to prove to them our daughter is the most important person in this situation and I will do whatever I can to keep her safe even though I don’t think he is a threat to her, a horrible scary time especially at this time of year, I would say that as long as your son goes along with the plan and proves to them he is getting the help he needs for his addiction they will eventually deem him safe to be with his family, this may take time working with them and he will keep being reassessed

fingers crossed for you and your family xxx

Posted Tue November 27, 2018 10:48amReport post

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