Family and Friends Forum

Court on Friday

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Member since
November 2018

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Well the day is nearly here that ive been dreading sentencing. We are about 18months post knock. we have been told to hope for best but prepare for the worst.

He is looking at a custodial which cud be a atarting point of years. Hes wrote a letter to judge so hzve i an he also has character references from others aswell. Probation said he will come out on computer as medium risk but they will put in his notes that they think he is low risk an they recommend he can be dealt with in community with doing the horizan course, he case manager from police station hVe aldo spoke to probation saying he is also able to work with him.

I am so worried about the whole court process. The paper being there an then wat they decide to print

To top it all off should be handing over keys on fri as house sold but i have managed to put it off till Monday so literally everything is up in there, an not found another house yet either xx

Posted Wed February 12, 2020 11:48pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Shall be thinking of you for tomorrow. I was in the same position in August and felt numb. It didn't sink in at all. The forum is here for you and LF can provide further help if needed.

Posted Thu February 13, 2020 10:51pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Thinking of you today stardust.

Posted Fri February 14, 2020 6:45amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Stardust, thoughts are with you today.xx

Posted Fri February 14, 2020 8:22amReport post

Member since
December 2019

48 posts

Your in my thoughts today to Stardust! Xxxx

Posted Fri February 14, 2020 8:31amReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi Stardust I hope you got through the day today. Everything crossed that it went as well as could be expected xx sending hugs to you

Posted Fri February 14, 2020 6:15pmReport post


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Evening thank you all so much for you replies.

Today was the day from hell im numb empty and lost.

We didnt get the judge the solictor was hoping for got a young one only been there a year and is harsh. It all started b4 we even got in the vourt room as the judge wasnt happy with charges wanted more and harsh but prosection wudnt change them. Got it to court romm and this was the first thing brought which was bac an forth between them for abit. Prosection read out his dide some many lies an he contracted himself in a few paragraphs. Judge had alot to say for himself adding extras in all the time. Bartister spoke no were near as much as i had been led to believe he wud. He tried to clarify a couple of points that were wrong an lies but when they judge he didnt change any of it. Propabation recommended suspended as low risk but this wasnt even mention. We sed he had read the referebces and his letter but i id say they made mo differencecas neither did wen the barrister spoke his good character raisi g over 30k for charity nomibated for a community award and never ever been in any trouble neither that he hadnt been out the house for the last 19months while this was on going nothing was taken into consideration with him at all.

He sed if had gone to trail wud of got 9+ years so unfairly thats wat he went with saying he wud get the general time off for guiltycand was sentenced to 6years 4 an half months.

This was around dinner time was told he wud ring me tonight but ive had no phone call. The paper was in there so sure that will be online by tomorrow not that it matters as there is slready a post with his pics doing the rounds round Facebook xx

Posted Fri February 14, 2020 11:40pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Stardust, I'm so so sorry you had to go through that hell today. I hope you've got someone with you to support you at this awful time. I hope you manage to get some sleep tonight .

Take care x

Posted Sat February 15, 2020 12:27amReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi staardust

i cannot tell you how sorry I am that this has happened to you. As the mother of a son who is serving just over two years in prison for a communication offence I know exactly how your feeling tonight. For me, it was harder than a family death because with a family death you get closure but with this you do not.

i can help with the phone call part . When a prisoner lands in prison they have to have a special PIN number set up on the prison phone. The PIN number is unique to that prisoner. A prisoner cannot make a call until the prison sets it up on the phone system . This is meant to happen within twenty four hours but it took five days for my sons to be set up. I nearly did not make it through them five days but I did and I'm glad I did.

all I can advise is that you try and rest tonight and take it hour by hour for now. I'd also advise you to get rid of any social media if you don't think you can handle it at the moment. I have never used social media which looking back now I think was a god send.

oneotherthing, keep your phone off silent . Your husband will go onto the protection wing and won't get time out from his cell for hours. It will be three or four times a day for an hour so if you miss the call he can't phone until its unlock time again.

try and get some rest and keep coming here for support if you need to. X

Posted Sat February 15, 2020 2:10amReport post


Member since
December 2019

18 posts

Hi Stardust.

I dont comment on this site often but I feel I need to after seeing your post. My heart goes out to you as I understand some of the feelings you feel at the moment as it's still quite raw for me. My partner/ex partner was sentenced last year to two years as a custodial sentence. He will serve 1 year of that hopefully so should be out this year. I found it very difficult in the initial stages of him going in and understanding how it worked. We had packed a bag as a worse case scenario of him getting a custodial sentence but it still came as such a shock. Scotland doesn't have the option for suspended sentence. His offence was for images and he was deemed as low risk from social work report given and the one written by his police worker. His offence was for indecent images so I'm not sure if yours was similar or not. If you have any questions then I'm more than happy to answer as it is very daunting in the beginning of how it all works.

Posted Sat February 15, 2020 7:11pmReport post


Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Thank you for all your replies it means so much.

I feel so numb havent stopped all day as removals in to pack up house.

His was contact offence. The solictor was was sure around 4 years possibly less. Its just so hard with probation putting him as low risk an revommended suspended. He had tried to get help but unable to due to it still been open investigstions. The judge definitely had it in for him be b4 he even got in there. An definitely didnt take into consideration that hes not been out in nearly 2years had 11 references sent tried to seek help he just was not interested.

Sorry for going on an repeating myself im just so shocked was not expecting thst long at all. He took a bag with some bits in but my god he is not going to survive that long.

Its just i have seen others do so so much worse an get alot less. I dont condone wat he did for a minute.

Thevprison phoned me today to say he was ok as he isnt allowed calls at the minute which was do hard as i just wznted to hear him xx

Posted Sat February 15, 2020 9:39pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

18 posts

I know what you mean. You read so many stories in the press and it seems alot of cases have recieved a lot less harsh sentence. He will have the option to appeal if his lawyer agrees the sentence is harsh.

Your partner will be allowed so much of certain items depending on what prison hes in. When hes eventually allowed to call you and setup he will be able to let you know. I.e 10 tshirts, 10 pairs of boxers etc etc. Its also worth looking if the prison hes in has access to email a prisoner, you'll be able to see if his prison is noted on their website and what facilities they have. It's a way of writing to them and they will receive it either in paper or on their kiosk in the wing. I can email and use the reply service so he receives messages also simultaneously to the kiosk and then replies to me via that which I recieve quickly too. That site also has an option to be setup with a phone number which means its cheaper to call your mobile as the rates are really high from the prison to a mobile phone.

Hopefully hes allocated to a protection wing. Once hes setup, he'll be given a pin to make calls as a previous poster said. Although it will never feel normal, it almost has became part of my routine visiting him every week which I never thought I'd say having never stepped foot in a prison before.

I promise it gets easier. The first few days are a blur but you'll get there.

Posted Sat February 15, 2020 10:15pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Oh Stardust, I'm so sorry to hear this news. What a shock for you all. I hope you get to speak to him soon. I've read a useful testimony on the StopSO website about first couple days in prison -and he will be treated as a Vulnerable Person which is good news. Thinking of you. X

Posted Sun February 16, 2020 12:19amReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hi Stardust...

Just read your message... I'm truly wishing you all the best.

It won't be much comfort but as long as you're partner complys with prison rules and regulations he will only serve 50% of his sentence in jail. The rest is spent in the community on license.

Take care...

Posted Sun February 16, 2020 12:37amReport post


Member since
June 2019

236 posts

Just wanted to say I am so sorry Stardust. I hope you get to talk to him soon and see him. I'm sending the biggest hug your way and hope you remain strong. We are all here for you. Xxx

Posted Sun February 16, 2020 10:13amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Oh stardust, I just wanted to reach out and say how truly sorry I am for you both.

I'm not convinced custodial is the answer, they don't get the help in there that they need

I hope you have people to support you over the next few days, weeks and months.

Please ring the helpline and are you under the GP, take all the help you can get

Much love xx

Posted Sun February 16, 2020 12:50pmReport post

Quick exit