Family and Friends Forum


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Hi every1 can anyone help me with my anger toward any family members that are not understanding or even trying to understand how we became part of this club !

Posted Mon February 17, 2020 12:07amReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Unfortunately not everyone understands sweetheart. The way I look at it is how would I have reacted if it was my mother or sister in this situation? No one knows how the will react until it lands on your doorstep. If I think back to before my husbands offence came to light, would I have thought then I would stand by him had he done this? Would I think someone who stayed would be crazy? I have no idea.

You do what makes you happy, take the support you can. Others may come around but some may not. Sometimes you just have to let them go. X

Posted Mon February 17, 2020 4:22amReport post


Member since
July 2019

50 posts

Thanku ladies I know ur right, just drives me insane xx

Posted Mon February 17, 2020 8:46amReport post

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