Family and Friends Forum

Family against me standing by my husband

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Member since
November 2018

54 posts

Hi as you may of seen in here my husband wasnt sentaced on fri to a long time. It was contact offences.

My family have been against me since the start for standing by me. Telling me hes only sorry because he was caught, he didnt love me or the kids, i deserve better, he derserves everything he gets. I have had i am choosing him over them i dont love or care enough for them which is not true at all i shojldnt gave to choose. I understand why they feel the way they do but it still doesnt change how i feel or my own opinions.

I have said from the beginning i was moving away weather i stood by him not, so its not new news to them they have had nearly 2 years to realise this.

Now the time is here they are telling me i really should rethink and walk away from my husband coz its to long to wait for him an he doesnt deserve to have me. May so but thats my choice surely. They are now trying to get me to move about half hr 3 quarters of hr if that away from were i am now. Saying that it is far enough i need the friends here and the kids need people which i fully get and understand but i have tried to explain its not far enough for me i need to away for my own mental health xx

Posted Mon February 17, 2020 5:29pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hi Stardust,

I agree with everything Lee1969 has said. This is your life, your decision and no one else's. Only you know what the future may hold. True love is a strange beast, I could have walked away too, but I couldn't, I cant put into words why when others were telling me to divorce him.

He broke my heart into a million pieces but I couldn't give up on our marriage.

Only you know the true man you married, yes he's got demons but you now know all the hideous secrets and can face them with him head on.... There are 1000s of others who believe their partners are beyond reproach, whiter than white, but they too are probably being betrayed and blind sided by sweet talk, convincing excuses, secret passwords on phones and hidden messages.

By standing beside him and reaching out you will i am sure truly convince him how lucky he is to have you and never to jeopardize his life with you again...

Best wishes...

Posted Mon February 17, 2020 8:43pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi Stardust I just read another post on here that said we, the partners, get to control the end of the story. None of us had any control over, or responsibility for, the awful stuff that happened but at least we can control what happens finally. That might be ending the relationship or staying and fixing what's left, but that is Our choice to make, no one else's.

Keep strong and do whatever you think is best for you.

Posted Mon February 17, 2020 8:51pmReport post

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