Family and Friends Forum

Husband dismissed from work

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Member since
February 2020

3 posts

Hi, I've been reading this forum for a few weeks and taking the plunge to post our story.

We got the knock almost 4 weeks ago and my husband was arrested for possession of indecent images. He was cooperative in the interview and told them exactly what they will find. He was released under investigation and told he'll be contacted next to be informed if it's a caution or going to CPS.

He tells me he thinks they'll find 30-40 images and he believes they'll be Cat C.

Since the knock we've appointed a solicitor and my husband is attending a rehab/counselling workshop

Hes also had one of his devices returned after 2 weeks, they decided to just do a manual search and not forensic.

All seemed to be looking as positive as it could until he returned to work, he had taken time off sick and also already had 1 week holiday booked so took that too. When he returned they told him he was going in for a standard return to work interview where they then told him they know about the allegations and he either resigns and nothing is said and they'll give him references or he stays and goes down the disciplinary route which will lead to dismissal. We have no idea how they've found out and they won't tell him. We also have no clue under what grounds they can discipline or dismiss him on as his contract doesn't cover anything of the kind.

can anyone offer any advice? Xx

Posted Tue February 18, 2020 9:45amReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

My husband's employer saw the livestream. They wanted an jnterview and put i the letter "allegations regarding sexual online contact with a minor". He was suspended for a weeks pending an internal investigation. They had another meeting and he had no option but to resign with immediate effect.

He did find another job 4 weeks later and was given references. The police also told him not to disclose this arrest as he hasn't been charged yet.

Hope this helps. Plan for the worst. My husband had to resign due to bringing the company into disrepute as colleagues had seen it.

Sending hugs because this is a difficult hurdle to get over. X

Posted Tue February 18, 2020 9:58amReport post


Member since
February 2020

3 posts

Thank you both xx

He doesn't work with children, unfortunately he works in the media so we always knew he was going to have to leave his job as they will say it'll bring the company into disrepute, we kind of had it planned in our heads that he would stay there for around 6 months whilst we're in limbo waiting on the police and throughout that time he'd look for a new job in a more private roll where he isn't well known.

his solicitor has told him to take the disciplinary but is it really going to be worth it to just get sacked anyway and then be without references
This has just completely thrown a spanner in the works, we don't know how we're going to pay the bills!

Posted Tue February 18, 2020 10:12amReport post


Member since
February 2020

3 posts

My partner's solicitor told him to go with the resignation, I'd ask your solicitor why they suggested the route they did before taking action- the legal process is weird so there may be a reason it's better, but I'd want to find out why first.

Posted Tue February 18, 2020 4:30pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi tears

I do find this strange I wonder how his company found out? It sounds like a breach of confidentiality unless he had anything on his work computer that someone found? Also at the moment he's not guilty as he hadn't been to court and got any kind of sentence. I guess being in the media is a bit different to most jobs so perhaps that's why.

I wish you all the best for the coming weeks, its often a long process but if he's already had his property returned maybe that will make it quicker.

Stay strong x

Posted Tue February 18, 2020 5:17pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

15 posts

It doesn't matter if they work with kids or not. Mine worked in finance. I work with kids and SS have escalated my case to LADO. Difficult time for everyone.

The plus side was he didn't need to disclose investigation to his new employer as not yet charged. I, on the other hand, have had to disclose everything to my current and new employer.

Hope it works out for you both xx

Posted Wed February 19, 2020 11:01amReport post

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