Family and Friends Forum

He got the sack

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Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Well we knew he would get the sack and he has got the sack.

Now a whole new fear starts. will he get a job, how are we going to survive ect....... it just never ends.

I am also off sick and not sure what its going to be like if/when i return to work (We worked together at the same supermarket). I popped in on tuesday to chat to one of the managers that knew all about wat was happen. She called me telling me not to go in because staff were all gossiping about us and me for satying with him apparently. Also some of the customers have been very verbally agressive to members of staff. The thing is we have been honest and open with the store manager from the beginning so you would have thought they would be prepared for some fallout. Felt like the managers dont want the hassle of me returning.

What was interesting was the manager that delt with the hubbys dismissal told him that he had just gone through this with a manager of one of the supermarkets and sacked him and also that his own niece had just been given a suspended sentance too.

Our police case working told us that his department handles over 10000 people for these types of offences and works out to be 30 defendants per square mile of where i live.........i mean i feel like this is an epidemic and the government need to sort this out!!!! can you imagine what its going to be like in years to come with the younger generation becoming more tech savvy there is going to be no stopping any porn from not being readily available......

Anyway thats my thoughts on it this evening

Posted Wed February 19, 2020 11:16pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

14 posts

Ren,how right you are.It is an epedemic and the establishment are not interested in stopping it,whatever they might say.

If they were,they would do something,not the mealy mouthed statement from the home secretary last week,putting the onus on the social media companies.

I have put forward solid but drastic measures which have been ignored by my MP."stopitnow" and Simon Bailey,chief constable of Norfolk (google him)

It is a scandal that the innocents like all you ladies on here and your children are suffering and the punishment for alleged pffenders is out of all proportion to the "crime".

I expect this post will be pulled,as it upsets the establishment.

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 7:46amReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts


I completely understand your anger. I feel furious that I should be a victim in this, and I've made that crystal clear to my husband. Part of his punishment is knowing what it's done to me and we've had a lot of conversations about it. He knows he's lucky I'm still around, I know if I'd left or made him go, he would have killed himself, I've got no doubts about that. He tried it before, so it holds no fear for him.

I'm with you as far as campaigning to stop this goes. For me the big problem is that nobody talks about it and why should they, its a massive taboo subject. But that silence doesn't help us, as women, as wives, as mothers. So campaign to get it talked about, get it into the open so everyone can speak about it to their husbands, fathers, brothers, sons. Support Lucy Faithfull who are doing a desperately important job where no one else is.

The Internet has outstripped us, it did a long time ago. You can't uninvent a technology you have to live with it. So let's drag this thing out in the open, there are at last conversations going on about pornography generally so let it be part of that.

Anger can be useful but it can be damaging too, so look after yourself. X

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 8:35amReport post


Member since
February 2020

14 posts

LucyFaithfull are part of the establishment."Stopitnow" has been in existence since 2002.Until this,I had never heard of them.No professional I have spoken to except my psychiatrist and solicitor hasnever heard of them.My MP has never heard of them.I spoke to a Detective Inspector the other day,he had never heard of them.

How can they say they are stopping it if no one has heard of them.They have had every chance to publicise,no one has been stopping them.

I bet none of you on here had never heard of them before you were dragged into this.

Access to the internet and social media needs to be drastically changed.

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 8:45amReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


I understand your frustrations and in some respects you are correct, LFF haven't been as vocal as other agencies such as the NSPC who always get quoted at the end of every sex offender conviction.

Unfortunately this crime is so taboo the majority of politicians, charities and associated agencies won't dare having a comments attributed to them which maybe seen as giving support of those arrested or convicted of this particular crime.

The hangem, floggem and castrate them crowd will never allow a mature debate into porn addiction, the prolific amount of porn on the internet, social media and other applications. Porn is big business, generates huge sums in cash and money will always triumph.

They say they can't stop this material being transmitted at source... I believe that attitude is utter b***ox... They could do it but the internet companies have no intention of doing so whilst the dollars keep rolling in.

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 9:02amReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts


No one I have spoken with has heard of LFF either. I can’t brlieve the scale of all of this and so little seems to be done to address it ( I had never even heard of apps like KIK, but have seen them mentioned on this forum several times. It’s the biggest taboo, we are victims and yet are punished too. We can’t talk even talk about it openly and are forced to hide in forums such as this for fear of judgement and reprisals.

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 10:02amReport post


Member since
February 2020

14 posts

Ann P, Thank you for your thoughts,I have got to the stage where I do not care and will keep on prodding those who could do something.If it goes to trial,they cannot stop me speaking and they will wish it never went there.

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 10:47amReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts


Thank you for your comments.

The Stop It Now! helpline launched in the UK in 2002 and since 2015 we've been campaigning publically to deter people from viewing sexual images of under 18s and to raise awareness of the help available to stop, and the support for adults worried about someone else’s online behaviour.

The campaign involves press work, social media, digital adverts and partnership work with relevant professionals including police forces around the country, most recently with the Met in London. This received great coverage including in the Evening Standard, ITV London News and BBC London News.

Please be assured that our deterrence work - and other communications activity - is vitally important to us. However, as a small organisation with very limited budgets, we do struggle to get messages out there. While we do not have the profile of larger organisations, we are always working towards increased awareness of our services.

If you’d like to find out more about the indecent images of children deterrence campaign and how to support it, please visit:

I hope that this has been helpful,


Posted Thu February 20, 2020 12:48pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Thank you Lucy and everyone else who has posted. I do think this is a vitally important part of all our recoveries fron the trauma we've experienced. I do think you're right about anyone in any position of influence or authority won't touch this issue in case they are seen as soft on offenders.

The whole conversation around porn has to open up. For me a massive bugbear is the current trend for women (and men) to completely remove public hair. To me this fuels the drive for men to seek female porn, and no pubes. Who else has no public hair? Little girls. Creepy.

I don't know how but yes the conversation needs to be louder.

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 3:27pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Ren - and everyone else who has posted on this thread: you echo my thoughts on getting this conversation out in the public far and wide. There is an epidemic and I knew nothing of it before the 'knock' (when it was far too late and the fallout is huge). There are many, many more people getting caught in this vicious cycle of viewing iioc daily - who would never dream of harming a child in real life and who would never think of breaking the law under normal circumstances - but in the privacy of their homes are sucked in and feeding the predatory abusers publishing this abhorrent material.

X rated pronographic websites were set to be blocked in the UK on July 15th last year. All internet providers would have blocked x-rated websites if the new system had come into place, and users would have had to verify their age before proceeding. This would have saved millions of victims from being embroiled in the consequences of breaking the law. This law was first promised in 2015 but has run into numerous technical, legal and practical difficulties but WAS within days of being enacted. It would have not only prevented children from accessing the horrific material available for no cost on sites such as google and bing but it would have put off the casual viewing adult too, I think. So much more needs to be done.

(Have just visited the deterrent programme as mentioned by Lucy - and signed up for updates).

I am so sorry you are suffering the consequences Ren (and sorry for all of us experiencing the fallout of this horrendous situation).

Posted Fri February 21, 2020 10:36pmReport post

Quick exit