Family and Friends Forum

How to avoid the press?

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Member since
February 2020

2 posts

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 5:31pmReport post

Hello everyone,

Having read about some of the stories about the press and threats etc I am so worried. I'm wondering if my partner moves to another city so the court hearing is not local will I escape the press/threats etc? And what if he changes his name? Could this keep me and my chuldren safe?


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 7:02pmReport post

Unfortunately there's no way to ensure you stay out of the press, it really is down to luck. If he moves it's unlikely to change the court that it's held at, however it's more likely that the local paper to the court will report on it rather than the local paper where you have moved to. So it's likely people in the new area won't find out if you move out of the area. I have seen reports locally where both the current and previous address was used. in terms of name changes, sometimes the court will report both names. Changing names after court may be better as then there's no google history with the new name.

Sorry not to give you a more positive answer.


Member since
February 2020

2 posts

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 7:45pmReport post

Hi mlj73, thanks for your reply. Ah is that the case with the courts? He hasnt been charged yet but is under investigation, I wondred if he moved before the charges came that he would go to a local court where he moved to?... then i was hoping it would be reported there and he could come back afterwards. Grasping at straws perhaps :(


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Posted Sat March 7, 2020 6:49pmReport post

Not to scare you ladies but my hubby was in court on a Thursday and it didnt get reporting in the online paper until the saturday and we never found out if it was in the normal paper.

Keep strong ladies most of the people that do cause drama hide behind social media. Our ppu told us that the incident that happend to us was the worst his department had seen if you want to read it it's called "what a day, sorry if this scares people".

I want you to know that I dont feel scared as I know the law is on my side now and think that is what is pissing some people off. If they attack us they are in trouble.

Big love to you all and stay strong xxx
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