Family and Friends Forum

Having a moan

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Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Hi ladies had a very emtional day today.

Its only been a week since the sentancing and i have disabled facebook but random people can still meeage you through mesenger which i dont get. Only had the one but still its not the point.

Anyway an old friend reached out to me to warn me about a picture of me and the hubby doing to rounds on facebook. She was nice about it and said i could talk to if i needed to. which i thought was nice but you never know do you?

Told my best friend too about the old friend reaching out and she told me my neighbour has been posting loads on the local community website abouts not hiding away and laughing and joking. That we are vile people funny how she hasnt said this to my face. Anyway people are joing in and talking about putting our windows through.

I wish there was a wives/partners annonymous group where we could meet face to face. Its ok talking on here but it would be nice to talk openly to someone who gets it.

Anyway the real reason i came on here was to ask how people got on going back to work and how the handled it?

I want to be strong and walk in on myfirst day back with confidence but i cry when i am sad and angery. not very good with confruntation and there a few big gobs at work who i think would say something. which they shouldnt as what happens in my private life is my busness.

All these poeple worked with my husband for over 10 years and not one person has reached out to get his version of events.

just dont know what to do

Posted Thu February 20, 2020 11:00pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Hi Ren, sorry you're having to go through the nightmare of it all being on social media. When you disable your Facebook account it doesn't remove messenger, you have to delete Facebook to do that.

As lee says, do reach out on mumsnet, being able to talk to those who know what this is like can be a lifesaver. My username on there is the same as on here, there's also a post called 'reaching out' with several people's usernames.

Posted Fri February 21, 2020 8:59amReport post

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