Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sat February 22, 2020 1:31pmReport post

So, my husband recently confessed to having visited sex workers, in the lead up to his vigilante 'trap'. This, has devastated me. But, now the whole vigilante thing makes more sense. Was he going to meet someone for sex....not a child, but someone older, a sex worker? That makes it better from a legal point. But still dreadful from my point. Why? Was I ever good enough?? Has anyone else here had this discovery? This place we find ourselves in is hell.


Member since
January 2020

38 posts

Posted Sun February 23, 2020 6:25pmReport post

Hi tabs ,

I am so sorry to hear this , my now ex husband did not use sex workers but he was chatting up a 22 year old on a dating app so I see this as cheating , it then progress on to him somehow chatting total filth to 14 year old girls ( decoys ) you must accept THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU it's the hardest thing to accept , I am nearly 5 weeks into this crap , and already I have accepted this , we could not have known or done anything to prevent this , it is all on them, and the choices they made ,

I am sending you so much love and hugs as we all need each other's support In this crap club we find ourselves in xxx

please keep posting


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Tue February 25, 2020 10:52amReport post

Thank you Ellen. I'm so fed up of this. I'm just about to post another post. More disclosure from him. I'm getting to understanding it all. But like you can't believe that he would betray me so horribly and publically. I feel too old and tired to concentrate on my new life. Hopefully I'll get stronger. I take my strength from all you ladies in here. Friends don't really understand the pain. To me it's worse than death. xx


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Tue February 25, 2020 10:52amReport post

Thank you Ellen. I'm so fed up of this. I'm just about to post another post. More disclosure from him. I'm getting to understanding it all. But like you can't believe that he would betray me so horribly and publically. I feel too old and tired to concentrate on my new life. Hopefully I'll get stronger. I take my strength from all you ladies in here. Friends don't really understand the pain. To me it's worse than death. xx


Member since
January 2020

38 posts

Posted Tue February 25, 2020 11:05amReport post

Hi tabs ,

I totally get you , the first few weeks my friends were lovely and supporting. But now I feel 5 weeks in they are bored of the topic and how I am feeling , in there head he cheated and humiliated me In the worst way possible, so I should just "Move on" if only it was that simple , there is still love that I can't turn off , he was my total world ! But like you there is all the questions and answers we want , right now so we can make sense of it. Mine says he can't really remember which I think is just a cop out and he is choosing not too,

other people on the forum say this is possibly true as it is a shock, they in their own world etc, mine has said he did not have a prob addiction, or a traumatic childhood like the helpline keeps advising him , but at the moment I just don't know ,

it is just rubbish for us , we are the collateral damage and not relevant to the police or the vigilantes, and at the moment I am the last to know anything,

I am always here for a chat tabs xx lets be strong together