Family and Friends Forum

Feeling lost

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Member since
February 2020

1 post

I've gone back and forth with the idea of writing something on here but today ive felt so lost about what has happened. The man I thought I knew, for just over ten years, was arrested and now on bail and the police investigation is ongoing. I'm still living in a nightmare of confusion and disbelief. I'm not fully aware of exactly what he has done but I know it's involves downloading of images. I've chosen to not hear exactly the details of that because I just can't cope with that at this point. We have two young children and mine and my children's lives will never be the same because of his actions. I've spoken to him and he's incredibly regretful and ashamed of what he's done and wants to get help for his mental health and addiction, which I've urged him to do. It's torn our world apart and I'm feeling so lonely and scared for the future. I can't tell anyone what's happening, only that we have separated. I don't have a big family and those I have confided in are dealing with thier own struggles so I feel I can't burden them with this so I guess my point of posting is just to say hello, I'm lost and I want to hear that I'm not alone.

Posted Sun February 23, 2020 7:19pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

38 posts

Hi ????????,

oh god you are not alone , my knock was the 21st jan, the wonderful man and marriage I thought I had was taken from me by the knock , it's 5 weeks today and I have gone through so many emotions, I feel like my last 5 years have been a lie as he was an amazing husband, father and step father, he was caught and live streamed by vigilantes, where he admitted to talking filth to what he thought was 14 year old girls , he says he does not know why he did it ,

he was thrown out that night due to my job and the fact the whole country saw the video , it has gone round my town like you can't imagine ,

I would say just keep posting on here how you feel, draw strength from us , because if you are having a down day someone on here will be having a positive on and will pick you up xx

Posted Tue February 25, 2020 7:51amReport post

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