Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2020

8 posts

My husband got a call from his solicitor this to say his devices have come back and nothing has been found. He was arrested on suspicion of talking and arranging to meet a young boy for sexual purposes through Kik. During interview He was shown chat logs and was told to no comment. He has denied all of the allegations. His solicitor has said it's now up to the police to decide whether to charge and then we'll go from there but may be a plea bargain would be best. I can't help but think that if he does that it'll ruin our lives even more. I've said he shouldn't plead guilty to something he hasn't done and even though there's still every chance they could decide not to charge my mind is raving. It wasn't ever linked to our home address, only his work. I want to scream as I'm terrified if they charge and he pleads guilty then that'll be it. He's currently still in the family home with heavy input from social services as we have two young children. I've no clue how the legal system works, he doesn't know what evidence they have now (it wasn't an actual child on the other end but an undercover operative). I can't help but think if it was home then surely the would have found images, videos ect as surely no one goes from nothing to 100. If he pleads guilty will social services make our life a living hell?

Posted Tue February 25, 2020 12:23pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

I'd think the police had some evidence to suspect it was him having the conversation or they would not have arrested him or seized property. I'm not saying he did I'm just saying they must have had grounds to suspect it was him. There must have been something that linked him to that kik account and conversation. He should not plead guilty to something he has not done, no socilotor would advise anyone to do that. If he really didnt do it then theres nothing to hide, and no reason to take the rap for something he didnt do as it will have serious consequences for your lives. It is possible to be prosecuted for one conversation and to have only ever had one conversation, my partner is one of those people who was chatting on line with adults (not good but not illegal), started chatting with someone who he believed to be an adult but then changed their age. It was an undercover officer he chatted to, wrong and he got his punishment but there were no pictures, no images on any devises, no other conversations about from with adult women about sex, no continued conversation with the officer despite them trying, no arrangements to meet etc. So if they have evidence it was him he will likely be charged with attempting to commit an offence. Social services will be around for a while, each case is individual but it is possible to have a fairly normal life even if he is convicted. The important thing is honesty, I didnt like hearing what my partner had been doing but it helped massively knowing everything. It helped with social services too that we talked openly and honestly about everything.

Posted Tue February 25, 2020 5:07pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

8 posts

Thankyou for your reply! It was linked to him as it was his work IP address and his picture used on the profile hence the arrest. He's so far denied all of it, says he's never heard of Kik, never downloaded the app ect. I'm partly glad nothing was found but I think we were both hoping if it all came back clear that would be it, probably a bit niaive! I'm still hoping we can live a normal life if he's charge but I suppose I'm still hopeful he'll be cautioned at the most but also am aware that they surely still have enough to charge him. So lost with it all as I can't help but think it's not him now where as before I was very much unsure. Just hope we can go back to some form of normality soon!

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 4:34pmReport post

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