Family and Friends Forum

So the truth is out

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Member since
January 2020

38 posts

So after 5 weeks post knock I think I am as near to the truth as I am going to get , social services closed our case, I asked them what information they had on my now ex husband, they said it was a text sent to a 12 year old followed by a video sent to the child of him pleasuring himself , along with talking filth to 10 other 14 year old girls , luckily all were decoys !

so I asked him why , and kept asking , and he finally said at 47 he felt he was getting old and unattractive, so started on adult chat rooms and then got sucked in, so basically he was on there to Stoke his middle aged ego, I did point out what 12 year old girl would fancy a 47 year old bald pot bellied man , and he could not answer,

I also asked him if he had not been caught would he have carried on and he could not answer me !! So I am taking from that that he would have carried on, he said he got no sexual gratification from the talk but then sent the video he did,

I have to accept that he is a total prat and has made his own Bed now , so he can lay in it, it has now hit him like a tonne of bricks that his ego stroke has lost him his home , his wife and family , a job, security, and a happy life as he is now back home living with his mother in her single box room ,

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 5:20pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

5 posts

Oh Ellen!

I've read this post over and over , trying to find something to say. I'm so new to all this I dont think I have anything to offer apart from my love and thoughts. Xx

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 5:58pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

38 posts

Thank you so much xx it's all just rubbish xx

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 8:20pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

38 posts

Thanks lost123 ,

I just feel so hurt and betrayed all over again , and the emotions of 5 weeks ago have all come back 10 fold xx I hate him so much but of course all the love is still there xx

Posted Thu February 27, 2020 7:47amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Ellen, how awful for you to find these things out from others. I know how I have felt at each stage of finding things out, it's like a massive punch. They are just hiding things from us as they know we will be horrified and will never want to see them. With my husband, I don't think he'd ever had told me without his therapist on his back. He is he going to recover and get himself sorted if he's not honest???
This sad fantasy world they enter, I know from talking to mine, they're made to feel like they are so handsome and wonderful......decoys grooming them!!!!! Chat rooms should be banned!!!
I am thinking of you. I think you're amazing getting through this whilst looking after children. I only have to look after myself and find that hard some days. Big hugs. Keep strong. x

Posted Thu February 27, 2020 8:30amReport post


Member since
January 2020

38 posts

Thanks everyone it is like my heart has broken again , I gave him my absolute everything, he was my world and still it was not enough,

his family have took the route that he must not have been happy with me which is why he did it and it justifies it in their mind but it's just not true , they have basically told me not to contact them anymore and that hurts too xx

Posted Thu February 27, 2020 11:10amReport post

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