Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

So this morning myself and hubby were assaulted by our next door neighbour. I dont know how we kept our cool but we did. Called 101 and logged it and the hubby spoke to his case worker and he was fantastic about it all.

It's been 2 weeks since it all came out why now do the start things.

Has anyone had this done to them?

Our neighbours are renting their house from the council and we have bought ours so i feel they are in a more vulnerable position and wouldn't want to rock the boat.

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 5:57pmReport post

Slowly sinking in

Member since
May 2019

21 posts

Hi Ren

I hope both you and your husband are okay! People think this kind of crime gives them the right to do whatever they want!! It’s so infuriating.

I’m not sure if you mean you were physically attacked or if it was verbal (when you use the word assaulted I imagine physical though!?) Our neighbours have never physically attacked us (though one has tried to provoke my husband to fight) however they used to say vile things to my husband whenever they saw him alone. He eventually had enough and reported them for harassment. The police spoke to them and nothing has been said since. The police said that if it happens again then film it on your phone so you have evidence. I hope your neighbours don’t cause you any more trouble though! Both our neighbours now just ignore us totally.

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 7:15pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

He insulted us verbally, pushed my husband over twice and knocked my phone out of my hand. I just dont know how my husband held it together trying to talk to him like an adult. I just thing people like my neighbour is just an uneducated baboons. It's the only way they can communicate.

It's just not nice feeling uncomfortable in your own home but I will try not to give in to them xxx

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 8:24pmReport post

Slowly sinking in

Member since
May 2019

21 posts

How awful! Are the police able to do anything about it?

I totally get what you mean about feeling uncomfortable in your own home. It’s seriously just so unfair that we are made to feel like that. Stay strong and remember that these people really know nothing about the situation.Xx

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 9:36pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Thank you I appreciated the support. Xx

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 9:42pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Sorry you are having to go through this. Please ensure that you report it and any further incidents to the police, they have a duty of care and you should not have to endure verbal and physical abuse.

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 9:55pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

7 posts

Sorry you have experienced this Ren.

I wish people would realise that you can be a victim to!

We have had amazing support from family, neighbours, and friends who have found out or we have told.

I hope you have some such people around you!

Posted Fri February 28, 2020 4:52pmReport post

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