Family and Friends Forum

Social Services

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Member since
February 2020

1 post

Hello i need some advice on what i should be expecting.

Afew days ago i had had a very long day and my son 12 refused to go to sleep. It was almost midnight on a school night. I just flipped and held him at the throat and pushed him on bed and told to sleep. it has Never happened before. Somehow my nail digged into his neck and was left with a big bruise. When he went to school next day teacher had asked him what happened and he told what had happened.

The school sent referal to social services and they have just visited my hoise abit ago

I have been completly honest with them and told what had happened she said i will be recieving a call tomorrow. Now i am worried and not sure what to expect I have never been involved in any kind of a trouble before.

Posted Wed February 26, 2020 9:53pmReport post

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