Family and Friends Forum

Moment of panic

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Member since
February 2020

27 posts

So it's been 17 days since the knock. Heard nothing so far, no arrest but partners phone, our laptop and tablet were removed. My phone was left with me

My partner is moving out this weekend which is a joint decision. Although a very sad one for both of us as neither of us have a clue what this is about. I was almost certain it would be his phone partly due to them removing it and not mine. My partner has admitted porn addiction but states he has no idea what this is about and it will go away and he will return.

Last night not being able to sleep I discovered in December on our laptop I had watched sport via a streaming site which is obviously not legal. I am now in severe panic that this has downloaded some sort of virus/malware onto our laptop, which would technically be my fault. I am stressed more than ever that I have brought this upon us.

Should I contact the police or wait till we hear off them? I feel like if I told them about the stream it could answer some questions but then it may not be relevant.

So confused right now.

Posted Fri February 28, 2020 9:05amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Bav

In my experience of others who have done this with films etc the police aren't interested in that, they are only interested in the iioc so please try not to worry about that


Posted Sat February 29, 2020 5:30pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

16 posts


To give you guys some support , the same thing happened to us last july , my husband also knew nothing or reasons why, police are only interested in the main reason and nothing else. in ooctober my husband was cleared and they found nothing so lets hope that is the case for you although it is a horrendous 3 months and one i would not wish on anyone. Stay strong both of you and your family. we have worked things out with the two of us but this has pulled our family apart and my kids (who are not my husbands) have branded him guilty regardless and have little to do with me and this is heartbreaking every day. I still cry every day and the hardest part is no support or people to talk to x

Posted Sat February 29, 2020 10:41pmReport post

Quick exit