Family and Friends Forum


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Well just returned from a "wellness meeting" at work and they clearly do not want me to return to work. Not that they said that outright I mean that would be too honest and not following procedure.

Apparently non off my colleagues want to work with me and management fear for my safety from staff and customers. The staff are ANGERY at me for staying.I mean I work in a locked room counting money, I could just stay in there. Dont think that will be an option.

They said I need to have a long think about what I want and that I have been going through this for 19 months, do I really want to return to work where it not going to be a nice place to work.

Can anyone give me there experience at returning to work and how they found it.

My husband did work in the same place as me.

Posted Fri February 28, 2020 11:22amReport post


Member since
February 2019

7 posts

This is so wrong but believe me they will not do anything to support you I was in this situation three years ago people I worked with and customers said pretty much as they pleased I got told by my manager because it was in the public domain she was powerless to do anything .I eventually left because it really did get to much I chose not to stay with my then partner so for you who is supporting yours I can only imagine it would be a lot more difficult for you .I think it's very wrong for you to be treated this way because you made a choice and it certainly doesn't mean you agree with the choices he made .

Hoping you can find a way forward xx

Posted Sun March 1, 2020 6:18pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Thank you ladies I just dont know what to do. Just going to stay off sick for the time being and see what their next move is. Xx

Posted Sun March 1, 2020 10:37pmReport post

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