Family and Friends Forum

Helpful, I hope!

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Member since
February 2020

7 posts

We never thought we would find ourselves going through this , but we are! Lots of things came as a shock. Timescales, solicitor problems, prison visits, prison moves, it is all scary. Other than this website, we found very little help in the timescale / waiting for conviction processes. Have you found the same?

We are investigating how we might help support "newbies" with accurate, helpful info and eventually "safe places" for face to face support and help. This would not include legal help, that is beyond us, but information and a shoulder to cry on (we did plenty of that!).

This is not going to be instant by any means as it will need a lot of organising, but we have started contacting various people who could help, to guage support.

Comments from anyone?

Posted Sun March 1, 2020 5:41pmReport post


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Hi, there's a couple of us who had a similar thought and have been slowly putting a document together to help navigate through this process. Feel free to message me on mumsnet and I can fill you in, my username is the same as on here

Posted Sun March 1, 2020 6:28pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Great idea. I joined mumsnet as I know some of you are on there, but can’t work out how to pm from my phone. I’ll look into it again in a few days. Having a shoulder to cry on/ someone who understands would make all the difference. X

Posted Sun March 1, 2020 7:43pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

I think this is a great initiative - wouldn't it be fab to have a real life 'buddy' system in place? Seems like this problem is SO HUGE that there should be plenty of experienced people who have come through this horrendous situation and it's only going to get worse in the forseeable future.

However, it would need to be 'safe' for everyone involved - and if that could be guaranteed somehow, I'd be happy to volunteer.

Posted Mon March 2, 2020 11:03amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Yes please Piglit! This is a bewildering place to be!

Posted Mon March 2, 2020 2:05pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

7 posts

Thanks for the replies so far, it is very encouraging and shows there is a real need. My wife and I (I am my son's dad) have felt since his conviction that something needs to be done. We both love our son very deeply, but realise he needs help that we might not be able to give. However, we can help (hopefully) others like us who have had to go through this painful experience, which is not adequately helped by the present system. We have typed out some info borne out of our experence of visiting his first prison,we have left this info with the visitor centre and hopefully they will hand it out to the "newbies". I have also asked that they let me know any feedback they get, or if they will be allowed to even hand them out! I am hoping that the Ormiston Families or Spurgeons Child Care, who run several visitor centres at prisons will take this up, but we will see. Safe spaces and giving info on the earlier processes is a longer term "wish list". and I will re-post on this as the vision and possibility grows...but it will be a long term thing to get started! Some of this stuff needs to be available at a very early stage and that may prove problematic.

Posted Mon March 2, 2020 2:51pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi Piglit I've only just seen this post and if any sort of buddy system could be created it would be wonderful. Very early on the isolation and sheer terror for someone who'd had zero experience of police involvement was off the scale stressful for me. My husband charged with viewing images of children. I understand the organisation and logistics would be very difficult but sorely needed

Posted Wed March 4, 2020 11:31amReport post


Member since
February 2020

7 posts

Hi Ann P

Our son has been moved now to another prison and that has thrown up some more questions and problems. The need that we see and hear just seems to get bigger! I hope that we don't let people down because it is just too big! I have contacted a faith organisation and our local MP to see if I can add some legitimacy, it would be good to cut some corners by using an existing organisation. Thanks for the encouragement though.

Posted Wed March 4, 2020 12:20pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

7 posts

Thanks Lee 1969 that is just what is needed. we are much newe to this than many and we are on catchup. Anything that eases the process and help the better.

Posted Wed March 4, 2020 1:46pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

9 posts

Hi, joined Mumsnet m(user name is Shel73) but not figured out how to find the relevant conversatios on there. I have messaged mjl73 and hope to hear back soon. Such terrible situations we find ourselves in, we need to support each other. Xx

Posted Thu March 5, 2020 6:09amReport post

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