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what a day!! Sorry if this scares or upsets anyone

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Member since
January 2020

78 posts

So bear with me, this is going be a long one and i am sorry if this upsets people but for the ones just starting this process i want them to know how bad it may get if it is reported in the news papers (it was in the online paper 2 weeks ago for us).

It all started at 12:30pm on satureday 28th my neighbours came home drunk and spent the next 4 hours (on and off) banging on the ajoining wall, shouting absenities through the wall and banging the doors. They also goaded other neighbours to knock on our door and shout to one another down the street (this is just my thought on it no actual proof they did that last bit). Finally fell asleep at about 4am.

We woke and got on with our day. The hubby deciced to fix the cctv that we got to the outside wall (hubby got attcked earlier on in the week nothing serious but was advised to get one). One of the neighnours called the police they turned up at 5:20ish they asked to look at the feed and were happy how it was set up and left literally 5 mins later. I think this must have pissed off a neighbour or two the police not doing anything and leaving. Feel the neighbours wanted some drama.

At 5:45ish a strange man came and knocked on our front door. I didnt answer the door but did open our front widow and stuck my head out. Asked him what he wanted and you can imagine how some of the coversation.

He did say that we had to 2 weeks to get gone and I informed that wasnt going to happen as we own the house but he insisted that we had 2 weeks. I then asked him to leave and to close the gate behind himself......and he did (lol).

Sadly this was the end of his idiotic behavour.....he returned within 5 mins and knocked on the door. Told my hubby not to answer the door which he didnt. We could hear the idiot on the doorstep mutter something and leave. My hubby went and sat down checked to cctv and said "He has set the car on fire"!!!!

I ran upstairs and looked out the windown and shouted down No its not, its fine but there is a mob (bit dramatic of a discription) out side "gob shits" (a neighbour never see but can always hear her) and then the man started to to walk towards our house with a peterol can in his hand. He didnt see me and first. When he did the threats of setting my car on fire and also my husband on fire and that we had 2 weeks to "get out" started again.

I went downstairs to see why the hubby wasnt responding to me to find him on the phone to the police who turned up stright away and i dont mean just one police officer there 2 vans and 2 police cars and id say at least 15 officers all out and about on the street looking for this idiot.

we stood at the window watching it all unfold before us. The hubby had his widow open and my next door neighbours fella came out onto his doorstep and said "my house sticks of petrol now you dick" (sorry if that offends) he then went back inside and closed the door.

I turned to my hubby and said i am off to tell the plice what you just heard and ran down the stairs and opend the door. As i am telling the police officer this information of what he just heard i turn to point to the next door neighbours house and GUESS.....Guess who is stood outside said door lighting a bloody cig up....only the bloody idiot who threatend us and set fire to the car. I mean how stupid can you be. The police apprehended him and we spent the next hour giving statments and cctv footage of him setting fire to the car.

Now this is just my opinion and i have no proof but i do feel that all this and previous incidents that have taken place over the last 2 weeks (nothing serious) have been instigated by my neigbhour stiring the pot and getting these individuals to react and she stand there and watch. What i dont get is why.....she is doing more damage to her three children than my husband. He has even spoken to them.In her twisted mind she thinks she is protecting them but who lets a men in their house after an attempted arson attack and theatening to kill people.

I am not condoning what my husband did but still what these people are doing is just wrong.

I am really sorry if this account scares people or up sets people but believe me when i say that i do not feel scared and that i think i may have the best nights sleep tonight.

Hoping that this incident has made the neighbours realise that we not scared of them and we are not going anywhere soon.

Stay strong ladies big hugs xxxx

Posted Sun March 1, 2020 11:45pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


Sounds bloody awful what you are both dealing with.

Have you suggested to police that they issue a prevention of harassment notice to the main culprits... If they breach the notice they immediately commit an arrest able offence.

I'm so sad you have a bunch on neanderthals in your street. Stay strong both of you, hopefully it will quieten down and they will go back to headbutting garden walls, eating soil and pulling wings off house flies.

Best wishes

Posted Mon March 2, 2020 12:12amReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Urgh ren, this is so unfair on you. People are cruel and work worse when in force. I know I had harassment but nothing to this extent. Apart from threats and reports made against me the worst I had was someone posting grass through my door. You mentioned previously that the neighbours were council tenants. Speak to the police or housing associations and try and get an ASBO. I know it's not much but if the keep on with their abuse the WILL be evicted. Hopefully it will deter them. Keep a diary of EVERY incident. Come here for any rants. I'm here anytime you need me x

Posted Mon March 2, 2020 12:31amReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

So sorry to read about all this horrific animal-like behaviour - I hope you've got some good neighbours out there too? People can be so dreadful to each other.

Big hugs Ren. HOpe ti's settled down now - and petrol fumes evaporated.

Posted Mon March 2, 2020 8:55amReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

This sounds awful Ren, I’m so sorry- as if you havnt got enough to deal with. Hope things improve soon ( you’re neighbours sound like a right bunch of thickos) sending you hugs. X

Posted Mon March 2, 2020 9:18amReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Well the car has been written off.....think they will feel that have had a win with that. Good news is that they guy that did all this is currently in prison ????. He will be there until his sentencing and hopefully for a few more weeks after.

Feeling a bit disappointed with work popped in yesterday to drop off my sick note. No one said hello or anything. Had a chat with the store manager about the so called wellness meeting I had on friday. He wasnt happy about how that went and is speaking to the manager that did it and also talking to HR about the manager that was looking after the store as she was in the meeting too.

It really is an emotional rollercoaster.

Posted Tue March 3, 2020 10:54amReport post


Member since
February 2020

6 posts

Ren Im so sorry for you. You just wrote about something I am scared off all yhe time. Our story hit the papers week ago but nothing happened so far apart from us making decision if to go back to job we had. We have been working in the same place. Have you been fighting with papers to remove it? I want to try cause its really unfair on my kids. Its too late for me and my husband but my kids dont have to suffer and pay for hubbys mistakes. It still boils my blood as I dont want to keep running away. No point of moving out if its going to be all over the internet. I feel really down today cause before there were just two papers it was on and I thought it will be dying out but even week later its been shared by loads. What am I supposed to do now?

Posted Tue March 3, 2020 11:30amReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

I felt fine walking into work yesterday but today I feel sad that everyone just ignored me. I have worked with these people for 5 years and some have worked with my husband for 10 years.

Part of me doesn't want to return but at the same time I want to return to work because I have nothing to be ashamed of.

Posted Tue March 3, 2020 2:47pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Hope you are doing ok Ren, what a difficult time what blooming morons but unfortunately they won't be educated about these things you just have to make sure you have the upperhand which is great you have CCTV. I'm pleased the man I. Question has been kept away from you. Keep strong lovley lady x

Posted Wed March 4, 2020 9:06amReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

So the hubby went to the police station to give a statement about the harassment we have been getting from the next door neighbour and the police already have a file on her. Hubby saw a lovely mugshot of her. I mean why would you go these length when your no angel yourself.

Posted Thu March 5, 2020 6:56pmReport post


Member since
March 2020

31 posts

Ren,they cannot dismiss you,you have done nothing wrong.

Posted Thu March 5, 2020 10:21pmReport post

Dizzy doo

Member since
January 2020

13 posts

I fear the newspaper/internet stories, I think there should be reporting restrictions if the offender has children living with them.

I also have someone I’ve known for several years deciding that she will repost every sexual offenders stories she finds online, I’ve kept her on FB currently as know she will see and share my husbands story.

Posted Sat March 7, 2020 8:13amReport post


Member since
March 2020

31 posts

lost123,I could have written your last post re really "stopping it".How about all you ladies messaging your MP because they are the people who can do something.It will not help us right now but it may help others stop falling into the trap.

Posted Sat March 7, 2020 1:18pmReport post

Quick exit