Family and Friends Forum

Supervised access ex partner

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Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Hi everyone.

Does anyone have experience of arranging supervised contact between their baby and ex partner?

My baby is due in a few months and I am wondering what to do for the best. My ex is still in the limbo stage ( waiting for devices to be checked) and I don’t yet know the extend of what he has done/ outcome of this. Obviously this will have a bearing on if I allow contact at all, but at this point, I am thinking of allowed supervised contact.

I guess I’m wanting to know what to expect from social services, Will it make things more difficult for me and my daughter? I just want the best for her and to protect her.

Thankyou. Xx

Posted Tue March 3, 2020 9:35amReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi Marie.D

I am still with my partner and supervising contact between him and my baby. Before SS did my assessment my mother and my mother-in-law supervised the contact.

Do you or your ex-partner have any family member who you can trust to supervise contact. If so then they will have their assessment done by SS.

SSs can also give an option of supervise contact by them at your local contact center.

Posted Thu March 5, 2020 10:13pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Thankyou for your reply.

I don’t think it would work in my situation to have another family member supervising, so I would be doing that myself.

Can I ask what the S.S assessment involved please? I have a son from a previous relationship who will be having no contact with my ex, would the assessment just be for my daughter or would my son end up being involved too ? ( I want to keep him out of this at all as my ex is not his biological father and do there is no need for any contact whatsoever)

I’m thinking a contact centre would be ok.

Thanks. Xx

Posted Fri March 6, 2020 11:31amReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi Marie.D

If you choose contact centre option than there should not be any assessment for you because contact will be supervised by their own staff member. All you need to choose wheather you want to be a part of that contact or not.

If you choose to supervise it by yourself either at home or community than SS will do thassessment. I am not sure whether your son will be part of it, i assume he should not if he will not be present during contact timings.

I would suggest you to give it a proper thought how and where you want contact before contacting SSS and what safeguarding measures you would put it place while supervising the contact like not letting your ex-partner to do any personal care task and what you will do if you need to go for coffee or loo during contact timings.

Ilet me know if you have more questions

Posted Fri March 6, 2020 12:24pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

This is a big help. Thankyou so much :) xx

Posted Fri March 6, 2020 1:11pmReport post

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