Family and Friends Forum

Fall out continues

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Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

It's been 4 days since our grown up children have been told. I'm beginning to feel they will now distance themselves. It's hard and I found myself apologising to my husband for saying that as it upset him, then thinking what the hell am I doing apologising to him, when he created the situation. Despairing again.

Posted Sun March 8, 2020 12:07pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


I'm so sorry to read you are in the same position as me... My partner disclosed everything to his 3 adult children and there partners after his arrest, its now been 2 years since his conviction and all have them have disowned him.

Its extremely difficult to deal with from my perspective as the children are from a previous marriage, its so sad he will probably never see them or his three grandchildren... The consequences of this crime and the attitude of families, society is immense...

Best wishes

Posted Sun March 8, 2020 12:18pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Thank you Snowdrop at moment they are talking to me but don't really want anything to do with him. It's upset him a lot and he's very down. They are in shock and I remember how shocked I was at first. It might take time or he might lose them which is sad. The trouble is the only time anyone comes across this us when it's in the paper as sickos and monsters. No one is equipped to deal with it and I suppose my kids are no different. We're just waiting and letting them work through it.

Posted Sun March 8, 2020 4:28pmReport post

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