Family and Friends Forum

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Has anyone got any experience with moving as a housing association tenant with a criminal conviction like this? Does it mean you can't exchange your property or that it would be more difficult?

Posted Sun March 8, 2020 7:15pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi ann

i had a lovely big house through a housing association here in Scotland wahen our son was arrested. I enquired with the aociation about an exchange. They said they'd need to know if anyone is on the register but that they could not stop that person living there. I was told only social work can dictate that if the person is still under probation.
in our case our son did not live with us so it made no difference.

wedecided not to do an exchange because of neighbours. Had we done an exchange we were worried that our old neighbours would know where we moved to simply by asking the person we may have exchanged with. It broke my heart to give up our house but I did just 36 days after arrest. We moved into a private rented house and have been here sixteen months. Whether anyone knows here I've no idea. Doi regret leaving my house? Some days I do . I sometimes wish we had sat it out but that was to much to deal with for me because back then we had no clue of when it would go to court.

on the upside we approached the council when we moved here for housing. We argued that we had to move for our safety. They put us on the list and we were offered housssssing three weeks ago which we could not believe. We turned it down but only because we were supposed to be offered a two bed butdue to a mix up we only got offered a one bed. We have been told owing to new builds not far from ready here that it s highly likely we will get a two bed in next three months. Whether it happens or not remains to be seen .
we did not move far away. We moved forty minutes drive from our old house so it's possible people know here but if they do we have not heard about it. Myself, husband and daughter who also lives in the village we now live in have said that we will stick it out here even if it comes out when our son comes home. Our thinking is surely it will calm down after a while if it comes out here . Whether our thinking is right or wrong als remains to be seen.
sorry I'm not much help really after reading back through what I've wrote x

Posted Sun March 8, 2020 8:35pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts


Thank you for your response anything is helpful. My husband is on the register now so if we try to exchange we didn't know if that would be an issue. So far it hasn't been made public but that could change after he's sentenced. As ever just trying to look to the future and avoid more mess. It may be I could just put my name only as legal tenant.

Posted Sun March 8, 2020 8:55pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi ann

are you on mumsnet? If so can you message me to discuss more as I'd also like to pick your brain to. My name there is nicenana1 x

Posted Sun March 8, 2020 9:12pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hi Ann. We are in housing association accommodation and recently moved. They will ask I'd there is an SO only for safety reasons. An environmental scan will be done by to make sure there are no other offenders close by. If there are young children on the at risk register he also may not be able to live near them. It can take a bit longer and there can also be a lot of false hope. We had 4 places scanned that were unsuccessful but the broader the area you want to live in the faster it happens x

Posted Mon March 9, 2020 9:36pmReport post

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