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Round in circles/day to day life

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Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

57 posts

Does anyone else feel like they go round in circles with life atm?

I recently took 6 weeks off work due to anxiety and depression and managed 3 weeks back to work before I all of a sudden feel ready to crumble again. Ive taken today off work but still not sure I can face going back again but also aware I can't keep stopping and starting.

How is everyone managing to live their day to day life? I'm in need of getting mine back on track.

Posted Tue March 10, 2020 2:48pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts


I wish I could offer some support and reassurance. Unfortunately we are 3 years after the knock and 1 year after sentencing and I really dont think I have got over it

I manage to cope and smile to people who havent a clue that deep down inside I want to curl up and die. If it wasnt for my children that have helped me through this then I dont know what I would do. I wish we had more support from professionals. All we get is questioned by SS about what we plan to do but no one sits down with hs and asks how we are etc. I feel I am being penalised by everything.

Im so sorry that this wasnt a post you would want to read but it does get more manageable. I wouldnt say back to normality but I've learnt to deal with it. I still hide away and dont want to speak to people. I blame the professionals as ive done nothing wrong yet ive had no support. There are helplines out there but have those experts experienced this? I want to talk to people who are going through what I am and not just professionals who read from a book and try to tell us things professionally x

Posted Tue March 10, 2020 5:09pmReport post

Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

57 posts

I think, at the beginning of this horrid situation I used work as my safe place. The place where I could go in and switch off from what was happening in my life outside of my work doors. However, I've since lost that safe place feeling since I found out more about what my husband had been sent online. I work with children and have my own children at home so I'm finding part of my struggle is that I simply can't switch off from what my husband has accessed - whether it was intentional or now. My mind is constantly spinning which keeps causing me to crash. I absolutely love my job but I'm suddenly left questioning whether the stress of it is causing me more harm than good. On the other hand I do not wish to give it up when I've done nothing wrong. My manager is really supportive but the rest of my work team know absolutely nothing which is what I'm struggling with because I feel I cannot handle my full job role atm but I can't speak up without giving a valid reason.

I absolutely agree with you about the lack of support. I am in desperate need of some atm but I only have my manager and 1 friend who know my situation and I'm conscious about how much I put on them. I could probably do with some councilling but I feel it'd be pointless unless they've been through this or have experience within the field.

My head is spinning. I seriously need a sense of direction atm.

Posted Tue March 10, 2020 7:10pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

8 posts

my heart goes out to everyone suffering. I am facing the same. I don't know who I am any more. I have lost my family. Work don't know yet. I am trying to get the courage to tell them. It is an awful situation to be in. I wish I could offer u comfort.

Posted Tue March 10, 2020 8:25pmReport post

Mum of 3

Member since
December 2019

57 posts

Tha is for the book recommendation - I've ordered it to be delivered this evening.

I know the feeling of being lost all too well. It's hard to find yourself when you're living a life you never knew you'd be faced with.

Ive spoken to my manager and taken the rest of this week off work but I'll have to start considering whether or how I move forward from here.

Posted Wed March 11, 2020 9:59amReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

I'm having a moment of such despair at the moment. The immense hurt this has caused seems to go on and on. Our children are seething with anger and are increasingly horrified by what he's done. I feel all their hurt, then feel almost guilty because I should feel the hurt for those children in the images online, they are truly hurt. I feel this tsunami of unhappiness and sadness and grief just washing over me and I'm just barely hanging on.

Work for me too is a safe place where I can be a bit normal. What I hate is to come home and it all comes back. My home is no longer my safe space its a constant reminder. Trying to move, but since his conviction I'm expecting it to be difficult as we're in housing association property and he'll have to disclose at some point.

Sending hugs every single one of you out there, God knows we need it.

Posted Wed March 11, 2020 10:15amReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

I’still been almost 4 weeks since my ex came to tell me that he’d been arrested and why ( he asked the police if he could do this before they did)

Ill never forget that moment, that my world fell apart. Each evening since, atoynd 5:30pm whilst I’m making my sons tea I relive again in my head. I try not to, and I try not to cry and have that wave of horror and sadness. Sometimes it’s bearable.

I come here everyday, to feel less alone I guess. I don’t usually have any advice as I’m quite early on in this process, but it helps to know I’m not alone.

My ex’s baby is due in June. Everything is tainted now, but I’m managing to find joy in the small things still, most days.

I’ve accepted what I can’t change, and I’m trying to focus on what I can control. I have a future with my children, but it’s not the one I had planned.

Love to all of you. Xx

Posted Wed March 11, 2020 10:47amReport post

Quick exit