Family and Friends Forum

Three weeks in

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Member since
December 2018

4 posts

Hi, three weeks ago we had the knock at the door and my partner of 17. Yeas was taking in for questioning. The police officers come back about 6 hrs later to have a chat and said he had told them to tell me everything as he believes he has never intentionally looked or downloaded child porn and anything on the computer would have come down and boke when looking at animated Porn. Not sure is I should believe him or not but he’s not the type to hid thing.

Iv only had two call from S.S. in this time for my 13 year old but they have not come to see any of us and I have no idea how to get hold of them to see what I’meant to be doing. I would of fort he was not aloud to stay he but not bin told one way or anouth. Just wondering how long they will keep me waiting on them.

Posted Wed December 5, 2018 1:22pm
Edited by moderator Fri January 25, 2019 9:52pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Its difficult to say if you should believe him, its ok to unsure. I believe my partner but i know that until i have all the facts i will not believe him 100%. Its early days, theres no rush to decide if you believe everything. Does he have bail conditions? Did the police say anything about being at home? It might be worth calling the officer dealing if you are unsure of anything and they may also be able to help with how to contact social services. You should hear from social services soon, they came out to me within a week. Might also be worth calling the stop it now helpline they are amazing for help and advice. I would try to find out about access/being at home because social services will be looking at safe guarding and parent/guardians ability to keep them safe (even if you personally feel they are not at risk).

Posted Wed December 5, 2018 8:39pmReport post


Member since
October 2018

57 posts

Has he been released on bail? It was in my exs bail that he couldnt live in a house with anyone under 16 but at no point was it stated he couldnt live with me. It was just assumed by social services that we wouldnt live together.

As for when theyll contact you im not sure. I had a social worker at the house within an hour and had met her 3 times within a week due to the images my ex had been viewing. They were in constant contact from march until june when they started to relax a bit.

Posted Wed December 5, 2018 10:17pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

4 posts

No he’s not on bail, the police have said then will call him in for more questions when there computer is done looking at his. I’ve spoken to the office a lot and he’s telling me the worried with the Chinese cartoon and animated porn seem to depicted 10-15 year olds. I asked them if he would still like her and they don’t seem to think he’s a danger. Just waiting on social now.

Posted Thu December 6, 2018 9:51amReport post


Member since
December 2018

4 posts

Sorry meant asked of he’s ok to live here

Posted Thu December 6, 2018 9:52amReport post

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