Family and Friends Forum

Scary times.

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Scared. What is happening in my world.

Husband was trapped by vigilantes and video steamed on Facebook, he was arrested and released under investigation. Immediately left home, and lost his job. He is now living many miles away, on his own, with no support network, and poor health, including a heart condition.

Here I have had the worry of house repairs including damage from storms, and flood alerts, which have now been lifted.

Now coronavirus fears. Worry about everyone and myself. I live alone, my elderly mother lives alone, a drive away. Husband should soon be self isolating for months, with no support. What if he gets ill? Of course this crisis will also have an impact on police and so husbands case, I’m sure it won’t be looked at until this is all over. What if it’s too late for him?

I feel so alone and scared. It’s like I’m living in a nightmare. I know I’m overthinking and feeling sorry for myself. It just feels like everything is out of my control. I am trying to support my elderly friends and neighbours who have been so wonderful to me. That is all I can do I guess.

Thinking of the rest of you. Particularly those with children, you must have even more worries than me.

Posted Tue March 17, 2020 9:34amReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi Tabs

Yes this is really scary time. We all are already going through alot and now this. I am still with my husband but we are living apart due to social services pressure.

I have a little baby and elderly mom to look after for. I couldn't sleep last night thinking what will happen if i caught virus. Who will be looking after my baby and mom as my husband can't

II wish SS should consider these things and help families during this time. But they can't be bothered.

Posted Tue March 17, 2020 2:40pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

So sorry for the position you find yourself in. Hopefully you won't be taken poorly. Have you any good support in neighbours and friends? I have found some very unexpected and dear friendships have developed as a result of what I've been through. People who I thought of as close friends never really were, whereas some neighbours and friends who I had casual friendships are now really the best! In times of trouble, it's true, you see who true friends are. Most people of good people who want to support others.
It is SOOO hard though that you can't be with the person that you want to be with, through no fault of yours. Especially so for you with a shared child. I can't imagine how hard that must be.
Take care of yourself and your baby first, make sure your mum stays in self isolation. I am battling with my mum on the phone, she hates being in, but I've told her she needs to think of others first. No pint putting herself and others at risk.

Posted Wed March 18, 2020 8:14amReport post

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