Family and Friends Forum

Social services

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Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

So a brief summary, my husband has conviction for indecent images, guilty but not sentenced yet, has been put on the sex offenders register. Our daughter lives an hours drive away has boys aged 11 and 16. Social services have been in touch with her about a visit.

She messaged me to ask about the charges and any restrictions that had been put in place. What I don't understand is, don't social services already know? So far she's been asked by them to ask what the restrictions are and now the exact charges. Why are they asking? Is it a cross check do you think to make sure what she's been told by us is true? This is the children's grandfather with the charges, obviously not living with her and the children. Does anyone have any experience of a grandparent being the offender and how that impacted on the family practically rather than emotionally. Emotionally its been devastating and our daughter wants nothing to do with her dad right now.

Posted Tue March 17, 2020 10:50amReport post

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