Family and Friends Forum

In the online papers again

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Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Well we are in the online papers again, although its about the arson attack that happend to us 3 weeks and the lovely man that did it is now serving a 16 month prison sentance. He also has a 5 year restaining order againt him too.

This has notched up my anxiety again as the gentleman in question has close ties to my immediate neighbour and not sure if there will be further repercussions from this as i do feel the artical was biased.

Now that there is another artical dont feel comfortable going back to work yet and with the coronaviruse sweeping the nation i just dont know what to do with work. then there is the whole money worries too.

oh bloody life right

hope everyone is doing well and hope to one day write something amazingly positive on here.

Stay safe big hugs to you all xxxx

Posted Tue March 24, 2020 12:32pmReport post


Member since
March 2020

29 posts

Oh sweetie , try to keep strong.This is such

A nightmare and not of our doing. Hugsxx

Posted Tue March 24, 2020 1:16pmReport post

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