Family and Friends Forum

Pissed off &Angry.

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Member since
March 2020

29 posts

Sorry just a rant. I am just starting this

nightmare and the more i look

into it the more i feel i am being punished

For something i did not do. And i am beginning

To get angry and very pissed off. Never

In my life have i had any dealing with the

Police and talk about jumping

In the deep end. My husband has been veryery

Honest ( not the best dinner conversations

I have had) and said last night i wish i had

Known about all the help i could have got

Before the knock. Bit late now aint

It. You seemed to have mastered

the internet to look at IICOs but could not

Look for help. I just cannot understand

Why ! Don't get me wrong the only reason

He is still here is because of his honesty

And i know he needs help and he is getting

It porn addiction and all that but why!

And why should i have to be made to fill

Guilty because lets face it i might as well

Put my name on a sor. Disgust consumes

Me and those poor children , husband is

Struggling now as through talking and

Educating himself he's now seeing these

As children not just imadges. So very needy

right now and sorry all the bloody time. starting to get the depression,

, addiction etc but i have been and am now

Depressed but did'nt feel the need to

become an addict and look at children.

Yesterday my hb said if it was the other

Way round i would stick by you. Once the cup

Had bounced off his head, i reminded him

In no uncertain terms that it would have

Never happened and not to bring me down

To his level ever again. Then i look in those

eyes and see the hurt and self disgust

and my heart breaks. I am 90% sure i

Will stay one main factor is that we have

No children at home and all the kids are

Supporting us so thats good. And i refuse

Not to have my grandchildren stay over

So he has to leave . its not the same but

It can be done. Sorry for the pity party.

Stay strong the wounderful people xx

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 11:23am
Edited by moderator Mon March 30, 2020 11:35amReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Lisa, i totally get the anger.

I can kind of get my head around the pond addiction , but the disconnection between what he looked at and the fact they are REAL CHILDREN who’s lives have been destroyed so a grown man can get a buzz fells me with so much anger and disghust.

I get that my ex has suffered horrendous trauma as a child, I get the addiction.,, it’s the lack of compassion for other children’s suffering that I can’t getmy head around.

So im here looking after my autistic adhd son ( from a previous relationship) 7 months pregnant with my ex’s child with zero help. My life’s in tatters and for what?

Must a nightmare, some days are bearable some are a struggle.

Sending you love. Try to be strong. Xx

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 12:13pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts

Typos! * porn ( god if only it was ponds he was addicted to at least I’d have s nice garden out of it ????)

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 12:14pmReport post


Member since
March 2020

29 posts

Maria i get yha sweetie , and i don't have

The added pressure of children expecially

children with extra needs and pregnant

It must be so bloody hard. I am finding it

Hard not to pick up on little things.The day

It happened we where supposed to leave

For a big family funeral , we could not

go so i made excuses ie husband has had

A break down blah blah. It would have

done no good to no one blerting it out.

I know his whole family blamed me , something

Like she haing a tantrum ect. Then when

He finally told gis parents. They thanked me

For not losing my stuff as i do lose my stuff

Over the silliest of things. Then started to

To. Tell family that we where having mental

Health problems. got the right hump

When i made it clear thats they make it clear

That none of this is my doing and to make

Sure they correct it. Don't lay this at my door.

I have already got the whole of society at

My door. God forbid my husband

Could do anything wrong i am the mental one

Apparently. Now do not want anything todo

With them as i can just hear the conversations.

To make matters worse on the day i had to

put up with realtives phoning asking to talk to

Him as if they knew better. I wanted to say

No you cannot speak to him as he is in a cell

Because hes a pedophile. But i did'nt

I lied as ibhave continued to lie . But have

Now decided to look after me but its so hard

When i enjoyed so much with his family

And most of mine are so far away. We moved

To our dream home two years back , nightmear

More like. So sorry for the rant. Keep strong

Sweetie and so many hugs xxxxx

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 1:02pm
Edited by moderator Mon March 30, 2020 11:36amReport post


Member since
March 2020

29 posts

Lee1969 thankyou for your reply. I will

Look at the videos and i know this anger

Is just part of the process. I think i am going

To have to except i will never know why ,

As he has no idea why he would do such a

Thing . I am not normally an angry person

So this anger is not good for me or the situation.

I to was abused when younger not sexually

But mentally and phycically and it was my husband

Who got me through , and it was a tough

time in our lives and i thank him for it. So

Its time to help him , the silly thing is he is

A good man who has let himself down so

Very badly , he has lost so much but thats

His punishment and he will have to deal with

It but my heart breaks for him as well as myself

Stay strong you wounderful people you are

My insperation to get through this. Hugsxx

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 2:53pmReport post


Member since
March 2020

29 posts

Sorry lost just seen your post. Thats the thing

They don't get the distruction they course.

Then just when your mending the

Press decide to rub salt in the wounds.

Creating more pain , shame and embarrassment

For the family , judging US as they judge the

Guilty. Keep strong sweetie xx hugs

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 3:03pm
Edited by moderator Mon March 30, 2020 11:36amReport post


Member since
March 2020

29 posts

Lee1969 mu husband is worlinh through

The LF stuff and been to the GP , now on

Medication . We cannot afford councilling

So reading , talking and hopfully by talking

To LF he can overcome this addiction.

He has emaild the SSA but as you say

They are closed at the moment , so thays a waiting

Game. But i have seen a change in him

Over the last few weeks and we know we

Have so much more to come . We will

Get through it but its so bloody hard.

Hugs to you all.

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 5:32pmReport post


Member since
March 2020

29 posts

Yes we are going to watch them , i started

But then everyone started phoning and lost track

Of time. So tommorow i will look . I must

Say that this forum has been a life saver

For me and is getting me trough this . I

Feel that i have meet some of the strongest

Most amazing women around and i thankyou

All. Xx hugs

Posted Fri March 27, 2020 8:07pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Another thumbs up for the 'Fight the New Drug' videos - they explain so much. My partner cried when he saw them. We NEED more education and openness about this topic in the media.

Posted Mon March 30, 2020 3:51pmReport post

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