Family and Friends Forum

Inform Course

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Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hello everyone

Hope you are coping well with this crazy crisis along with our own personal issues.

I am planning to call helpline for this for also want to know if any of you have done Inform course by LFF. If so what is the process for this. Is it a self referal? How long is the course and how much it cost?

Thank you for your help.

Posted Sat March 28, 2020 11:42pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Do you mean the INform course for friends and family? If so, you refer yourself via the LFF/Stop it now helpline. Then you will be invited for a face to face meeting (which costs £80). The course itself is free - though donations are of course welcomed, as the Inform courses are expensive to run. Offenders' Inform courses are not free, on the other hand.

The course for friends and family is only half as long (5 weeks) and is informative and very much a support group. Each session is structured - and lasts a couple of hours. I only started it just as the CV-19 situation kicked off, so we've only had a couple sessions. We'll probably finish it once we're all allowed out and able to meet up again with less fear of infecting each other.

Posted Sun March 29, 2020 2:36amReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Thanks Tutleymutley for the reply.

I am a wife of an offender so still deciding with course to go for. I will sign up with helpline.

IAlso it makes me sad looking at the time for your reply. It is not only me who can't sleep at nights with all this worries. What our life has become. I am now worried about delays in process due to covid-19.

Posted Sun March 29, 2020 5:21pmReport post

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