Family and Friends Forum

Daughter molested by nephew

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Member since
March 2020

1 post

My very young daughter was molested by my teenage nephew.

SSocial services were reported to but did nothing. I received one phone call from them and never heard from them again.

Our family relationships have been torn apart. The seriousness of my nephews behaviour has been denied.

Years later I am so very angry still. Angry with my nephew for abusing my daughter, so very angry with his parents for not seeking support for him. He exposed one of my other children to porn, my nephew was 7 at the time. He has also stolen from his parents many times.

Is this normal? I find it so difficult to be around him, thankfully that rarely happens now. I do also feel sympathetic for him, as his parents have failed to seek support for him and have brushed the incident under the carpet.

HHow do I explain all of this to my children when they are old enough to understand?

Thankfully my daughter does not remember the incident, is this something she could remember as she gets older?

Posted Sun March 29, 2020 2:55amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts


I find it really disturbing, a 7 year old should never, ever know about sex let alone porn and the fact he does raises questions with me over his upbringing! The fact that they have never got the poor lad any help means that he doesn't it didn't know it was wrong, he's probably a very screwed up man!

As for your daughter remembering, I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea with that, maybe ring the LF helpline and they will be able to answer your questions.

Take care xx

Posted Sun March 29, 2020 8:40pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Dear Concernedmum,

I am pleased that you have been able to seek support and understand that this is a really difficult situation for you and your family.

Although I have no doubt you will find the forum users to be supportive of you during this difficult time, as this is a forum for family members and friends of those who have or are alleged to have accessed indecent images of children online, you might find that you are not able to access the practical support and advice that you are looking for. Therefore, I would advise that you contact our Stop It Now! helpline on 0808 1000 900 so that one of our trained operators can discuss this situation with you in more detail and provide you with the most appropriate advice and support. Our operators have a wealth of knowledge in child protection and will be able to support you further.

I hope that you are able to call us,

Best wishes,


Posted Mon March 30, 2020 11:47amReport post

Blue Jay

Member since
April 2020

7 posts

Hey Concernedmum,

I'm so so sorry for you all after reading this. It's unthinkable.

I know someone who was abused at 5 and it wasn't until we were teenagers that they started getting flashbacks. I don't think anyone can say for sure but from seeing what my friend is still going through trying to get help as an adult, I think it's worth talking to someone professionally now to see what they recommend for your daughter and also your child who was shown porn, and to talk you through your options surrounding reporting etc.

Wish you and your family all the best, take care.

Posted Sat April 11, 2020 7:33pmReport post

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