Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2020

12 posts

I Don't know how to start this post really there is only one thing I need to know at the moment is there anyone out there that came out of the other side still together?
I have been broken so many times In my life that I gave what I had left of myself to someone. There is no going back are there any any people that can understand a choice to stay am I a monster?, am I stronger?, Will there be anything to live for?

Posted Sat April 4, 2020 10:37pmReport post

Lizzy 2.0

Member since
January 2020

40 posts

Hugs xxx BIG Hugs ,

I have no words or advice but just know you.

Are not Alone xxx

Posted Sat April 4, 2020 10:41pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi Lovely, you are not a monster infact you are a stong person. Not everyone can deal with such horrendous circumstances like we are all dealing with especially with a CV crisis on the top of everything.

Wheather you want to stay with your partner or not, this is your decision to make and no one here will judge you. Everyone here is really good and supportive.

Yes there is a light at the end of this dark tunnel and there are few stories here where people came tp other end of it and living a normal life with partner.

Tsallyblue and slowling sinking in are the good example for it and they always give us positive hopes. I stayed with my partner too although i met him after his sentencing but we have a social service involvement because we now had a child together.

Posted Sat April 4, 2020 11:36pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

12 posts

Thank you both of you maybe one day I will put up a post to explain some things but all I can say for now is thank you ????

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 12:06amReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Hey Fallen for me I have stayed with my husband. I did go through the whole staying/going but I honestly dont think my husband is a bas person. He has done an extremely horrendous act but talking to him openly (took sometime) and doing research as to what took him down this road I understand to a degree. we have been together 17 years and married for almost 12 years and i wasnt prepared to walk away from all the good years we have had together. i have lost all my family except my mum because of his actions.

It is still early days how ever 20 months since the knock and abour 8 weeks since sentancing. He got 16 months for voyeurism and possesion of iioc. It was on the local online paper and passed around facebook and on a few pedator sites.

Dont want to scare you but our car was set on fire and we were verbally assulted by a neighbour who is now in prision for his actions (16months and 5 year restraining order).My next obsticale is going back to work as i have been off for the pasted 2 months and we both worked at the same place so as you can imagine they all know about it and have made their own minds up about it all.

Hope this helps sending big love to you and all the strong ladies and men going through this horried situation xxxxxx

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 12:25pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Hi Fallen,

Before the offence your husband was a person. He is still that person only now he has a massive black mark on your pure relationship. The innocence has gone and it can never come back but if you want to save your relationship that is your choice and no one elses.

I stayed with my husband and we are through the other side. It has been over 5 years since his arrest and we live together without social work involvement. He is on the register but that's ok, we deal with it.

There is life after it. Most of our friends slowly disappeared, some family members too but those that are important stayed. Life is different but it is still good. Later this year I am starting university part time studying Criminology with Psychology in the hope I can help others in this situation. You will be ok no matter what you choose to do. I promise x

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 2:08pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

12 posts

Thank you for giving a bit of light even if I can't see it yet it's very early days. This CV at the moment is a small blessing in some ways as the only family I really have is my mum she is at high risk to virus I can't face telling her what has happened. I can't move far from her as we only have each other I moved her close to me after my dad died I worked my body to breaking point to get the money for a mortgage so she had a house of her. He thinks he is never going to be employed again and talks about ending his life. There are a lot of things I don't tell even my mum about what has happened in my life because I can't see her in pain again. He isn't a bad person he has a weak mind I think and every person he has let into his life has let him down even a old girlfriend dumped him the same day he was told his brother had died. I think he needs to be proven wrong that there is me I will stand hold on but trying to get him to understand that I have given everything left of myself to him is hard and that he isn't going to be dropped I know this sounds corny but he is not bad or evil just lost like a lot of people and choices he has made are now coming to a head because he couldn't let himself believe I love him. It's a long road I pray he doesn't go away for this he is having sessions with a lady on line once a week I have let him know that I will listen if he wants to just talk about what has been in his head that day.

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 9:57pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Hello again Fallen my hubby has only been out of work for about 6 weeks. He obs got sacked but has now got full empyment. He has been honest and open when applying for jobs and he has said that he didnt find it difficult when having interviews.

I think this is due to the fact that when he went through the disciplinary process at his previouse work the manager had other experince of this type of incident with other members and also revealed that a fmaily member had been in trouble for the same thing.

stay strong big love xxxx

Posted Mon April 6, 2020 9:16pmReport post

Quick exit