Family and Friends Forum

Going forward

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Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

I am a having a bad few days. Almost 3 years after the knock, no sentence yet due to the lock down. Big row this morning. Wondering if I can ever let go of the anger and resentment I feel for my husband or weather its going to ruin what we have left and if it would be better for us to part. Does it take years? Is there anyone who can help? We have no children living with us all grown up but they are also badly shaken knowing he's viewed iioc.

Any thoughts to lift me, today?

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 11:41amReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Ann, highly recommended getting in touch with RELATE if you are in England RELATIONSHIP SCOTLAND if you are in Scotland. They saved us. I was so angry and hurt for a long time. I was more sad than anything. Our relationship lost its innocence and it hurt. I forgave my husband, I understood how he got to the stage he was at although I will never condone his behaviour.

We are 5 years on now. I love him dearly although there are still days I could hit him in the face with a fridge. That's marriage for you, ups and downs. Itll be ok, its hard work but it's still good x

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 2:12pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Sally blue thank you. I just need to know there is hope. Each time we have these blow ups actually things improve a bit because at last we're being honest and I do think he's reflected on his behaviour. I think the trouble is that men who offender like this are locked in that weird bubble for so long without thinking about the consequences. It's like they don't get out of it and can still act kind of selfish. I think he expected there to somehow be a day when I'd 'got over it' and moved on, and it's taking longer than he thought whereas I think it could be much longer and have setbacks. We had 2 and a half years from the knock till charges were finally bought. We've also had to face the family and that's still ongoing and they're going to need a long time to come round.

Somewhere down the line we may well need couples therapy to survive.

Thank you again, the forum helps a lot.

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 2:58pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

252 posts

Anything I can ever help with Ann just let me know. I wish this forum was around when I really needed support. Just knowing there is hope is helpful. Knowing you are not alone. There are so many people in here and that just those who have seemed support. Imagine how many more are out there.

There may never be a day you get over it. I havent in a way but I wouldn't hold it against him. He is a better person, he communicates more. If he struggles with anything he will tell me. It's a better relationship x

Posted Sun April 5, 2020 8:43pmReport post

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