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Is he telling the truth?

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Member since
April 2020

1 post

In January of this year my (now ex) partner was arrested after 'the knock' for apparently downloading a single image on Kik messenger.
We had actually separated a week prior to this as I found hundreds of messages on his mobile phone on a random chat app. They were all women from what I saw, it was all sexual and disgusting though so I ended our relationship. I was devastated I had no reason not to trust him and came across the messages by accident when I was actually just on his phone to send a photo of us to myself. Anyway... when I found all these messages I went through his old phone and pc completely to see if there was anything else and there was ALOT of porn, which did surprise me tbh but none of it was illegal or children.
I am going on a bit sorry... basically he has denied ever seeing the image he was arrested for and said it could have been in a file share from a porn sharing group he was in on kik. He admitted to me he uploaded his username on a site were other kik users talk dirty to each other etc. He has said to the police he is not guilty and refused a solicitor as he is certain he does not need one. I just don't know if I believe him and what the charges would be anyway for even just having a photo accidentally downloaded through a file share? From many of the stories I've read on here it very rare to get a case dropped by the CPS with no further action. He has lost his job, his place in college and is only allowed supervised contact with our children. I never in a million years thought he would ever be unfaithful so I don't know what to believe.

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 7:17pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi Penny all I would say is he definitely should get a solicitor it's silly not to regardless of whether he says he is innocent. The police don't usually arrest someone for nothing.. They will have to have enough evidence against him and the CPS will decide.

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 9:37pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Hi Penny

My children's father is also accused of an offence relating to the Kik app. He was communication not images. Which he denies taking to someone underage, but does admit to using the app to talk to men and women what I deam appropriately and sexually inappropriately as we were in a relationship. So I understand how you feel. I don't know to much about images as my case doesn't involve that but I am aware there are 3 categories and depends if just opened or downloaded or if that file has been shared on. Don't be alarmed if it says made images this simply means they made a copy of the image such as screenshot or saved. The people in the images or moving images must be over 18 and they have specialists who will look at this.

I read he had a lot of porn on his phone do you think he has an addiction there is slot of men out there they do and there is support for them.

You know him best but I have no reason not to beleive what he is telling me isn't true so until the evidence states otherwise I will support him but I did tell him if he's lied then that's it. Get him to be honest with you you don't need any surprises along the way! Stay strong lovely

Posted Thu April 9, 2020 9:15amReport post


Member since
February 2020

109 posts


May ex partner was arrested for an image they traced to him from kik app. He admitted looking at images and having ‘conversations’ I don’t know if these conversations where with adults or what. I hope so but tbh I can’t bear to ask him.

he admitted he was guilty straight away and is still waiting for his devises to be checked. Some days I think he is telling the truth, some days I think he may be lying. I don’t know what to think anymore tbh. He has admitted to me that he had a porn addiction and that onnthis occasion it escalated ( or something like that) he denied it to himself. He is getting as much help as he can. I don’t know what the future holds for him, but he’ll have to face what he’s done. X

Posted Thu April 9, 2020 10:39amReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Penny, my ex refuses a solicitor as he is adamant he is not guilty also. Not how I'd go about things but he shares the same reasoning.

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 9:34amReport post

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