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4 year sentence!!

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Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Hi all,

So today third time unlucky! he was in court via prison video link for sentencing. During a 2-3 week period he’d chatted to someone underage on an online chat room and more stupidly arranged and went to meet them (it was the police all along) they stopped him as he was on his way back home.

He’s been given 4 years, 2 years in prison (already done nearly 3 months) and 2 years on license ( whatever that is?) and also 5 years on SOR. Been categorised low risk, there was 2 charges, 4 originally but he pleaded not guilty to one, police entrapment or something, and other one was similar to the other 2 so they rolled them into 2. So the sentence seems pretty steep for me, compared to similar ones I’ve seen online. Suppose I don’t as yet know what was said during the conversations, he said I can read his court report, if it goes in local rag again I might not have to, dreading press getting there hands on it and opening up wounds again by putting online once more :-(

For me I just feel broken again, we had so much to look forward to, we had a great life, nice house, own cars, we enjoyed trips away, holidays to America, even simple things like tv shows we used to watch and him cooking and meals out with my parents (who’ll never forgive him for this) walks with the dog, trips to pub, I feel sad about every day, everything’s just been ruined. Good thing I suppose is there’s no kids mixed up in this mess. But as for me trying move on and trying to find love with someone else I don’t see how I can, when all I wanna do is turn back time to how we were.

Sorry for rant just feeling sorry for myself and sometimes feel there’s no one who understands.

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 7:53pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Oh sweetie i have no words but loads of

Hugs xxxxxx

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 8:12pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Oh Flossy, how awful. I just don’t understand how the sentencing works. It seems to vary from court to court. I also can’t understand how entrapment can even be legal.

I understand the sadness. I feel it too. And wonder how our men can throw away the good life they had. But I guess that’s the nature of addiction. Take good care of you. xx

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 8:15pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Thanks guys just feel gutted again suppose I was stupidly hoping he'd get let off with a light sentence, even suspended sentence. God knows how courts decide how these things work, me and his family had read a similar case the day before, but this guy had been caught by vigilantes and got 8 months. So wether that's the difference. And like I said not exactly sure what the conversation was. Don't think entrapment might have been the word used but think his barrister said the charge was something my partner hadn't encouraged the other person to do. Anyway why do they do it and let us down so badly.

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 8:38pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

243 posts

Hi flossy

my son did similar butwas not undercover police. He was speaking to a girl online but they had not met and he never asked to meet her. He had maybe ten pictures of the girl on his phone. No child images or videos. He got 2 year prison plus 2 years to serve in th community so all but the same sentence.

Ive read up a lot on the sentencing nd i do believe that the courts look on communication offences as far more serious than images or videos. It's a minefield,.

Jut though I'd post to let you see that although yo and i think its harsh the same entente can and does get dished out to other offenders. Look after yourself x

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 8:59pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

Sorry to hear this. If he was given a 4 year sentence, then automatically people are usually released half way on licence. So 2 years in prison, and 2 years on licence. It's a way that they can look tough of sentencing, and deal with the second half of the sentence on licence, which will be in the community with restrictions. I'm not sure if that is what you mean, or if he had a different type of sentence? The SOR notification will be based on the sentence length, so the 5 years do not make sense. I think they only give 5 years for a community order. Details at:

It may be worth talking to a solicitor to see if there is a possibility for an appeal on sentence length. Appeals need to be lodged with 28 days, unless you have a good reason to go beyond. My partner had his sentence reduced more than half as it was found to be excessive. There is a lot of discretion in sentencing for judges, but it should be within a certain range, and reduction for an early guilty plea should be given. A solicitor can advise if there are any avenues to explore.

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 9:52pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

I would also be careful in relying on newspaper articles to find out what was said in court. What is reported in the media can be quite different as to what is said in court. Some media outlets are looking to sensationalise, and can be very biased in their reporting. If you can see the original court papers that will give you a better idea, but even then I would look at if they are written by someone who is looking to proove guilt, and they too have a certain bias.

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 10:01pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Hi nicenanna

yes I've wondered myself if that communication offences were delt with more seriously than viewing images but also I suppose it goes on the judge and what sort of images were viewed.
Think it's just hit home now what he's done :-(

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 10:05pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Thanks Zack for explaining more, its definitely a 2 year prison sentence and 2 year on license. I'm not sure about the SOR he definitely said 5 years which I thought wasn't long to what I'd seen, so could be something else. Me or his dad could probably do with speaking to his solicitor to clarify things. He'll probably get papers through to prison to tell him more on his sentence too.
And yes I don't wanna listen to what local papers put could do with reading report he's got in prison on case n what was said etc, come to conclusion press wanna make everything sound worse n make people look bad so they sell more papers, just don't want friends n family reading anything too.

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 11:02pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Zack. Absolutely!

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 9:35amReport post

Quick exit