Family and Friends Forum

Advice please

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Member since
April 2020

4 posts

Apologise for posting again. But have been reading the forum and now my mind is doing over time regarding social services.

so my partner is currently being investigated for viewing iioc and is awaiting the first interview stage after they took his phone for investigating.

I have heard from the social services today regarding getting a safeguarding plan in place and would like to know how it has impacted your lives and whether your partners have been told to leave the family home or if they have been allowed to stay?

thank you

Posted Wed April 8, 2020 11:31pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Morning Unknown,

so sorry to hear you have had to join this forum, however you will find the people here supportive and non judgemental and please don't feel any question is stupid or just use it to have a rant is fine. We all have good days and bad days and unfortunately this journey is like a rollercoaster with many ups and downs and bumps along the way. Please stay strong but it's ok if you can't all the time x

In relation to your question please be aware every social worker is different and all of our partners cases are different and will come up with varying outcomes. Saying that the main thing is that social care see you as a protective parent they want to know you will but your children first before any relationship which I'm sure you would any way. They may ask your partner to leave based on the information they have. I and my children's dad offered to leave as I knew they may want that but they said in our case it wasn't required. We are 10months down the line and no idea financially how we would have copped if he moved out I guess I would have had to move away to my parents.

please be as honest as you can with them they are there to support you, and remember you have done nothing wrong but also remember they are not your friend. They are under pressure and very busy so therefore may want quick fixes to reduce the risk your partner presents, you can ask if there are other options. I'm not sure in the current climate if they are making face to face home visits but they are keeping to timescales apparently for assessments so may video call.

sending you huge virtual hugs I know how messed up this all is I have 2 children one was 4 months when they knocked the other just 2 luckily they were sleeping when the police came and searched the house. Take each day as it comes break it up into little chunks it will get easier in time x

Posted Thu April 9, 2020 8:42amReport post


Member since
April 2020

4 posts

Thank you for replying. That's a slight bit of comfort I guess. But I understand every situation is different. Would you mind me asking what your going through? Completely understand if you don't want to say xx

Posted Thu April 9, 2020 8:48amReport post


Member since
July 2019

394 posts

Sorry I didn't reply to how it has impacted my life, so he is not allowed to do any personal care for the children. He is not able to be unsupervised with them but I can pop upstairs and get something now without him comming with me but straight back down as agreed by social. At the start this was very strict guidelines so either he came with me so wasn't with the kids or the kids came with me interesting going to the loo! For me the restrictions have been some days fine I do most things anyway but other days I feel hes crushed me and nothing seems to effect him. I don't live near my family so everything is on me, I was on maternity leave now back to work it's had implications for my job. My children have to go into nursery for all working days so financial implications if I'm tired or running late he can't pick them up. My parents travel 500 miles once a month at the weekend to do childcare/ supervise him so I can work. I feel like I'm always lying to friends and family oh can't you come out next week etc no sorry can't he look after them. My kids partys I darent have them at home incase this gets out the media twist everything. But if you have family near and they understand I'm sure you can have some r and r. I'm sorry I sound so negative but this how it is for me. my children have to be at risk at nursery of getting covid while I work and he is at home. You will realise we are just collateral In all of this but we are here for each other x

Posted Thu April 9, 2020 8:54amReport post

Quick exit