Family and Friends Forum

Don't know what to do

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

My husband was arrested in December for a conversation with a minor for which turned out to be a sting and he did not see when she posted her age as it was in amongst other messages.

Anyway we have a solicitor dealing with this and social services have done their assessment done the work with our son and have closed the case until there is a decision.

I have now found out I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do we have tried for a very long time to get to this point. And now we are at this point I'm not sure what I should be doing and what is going to happen.

My husband lives at home with us and I do not want this to change has anyone else been in a similar position.


Posted Fri April 10, 2020 6:36pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

3 posts

Dear Don't know what to do,

Congrats for the courage to post this question.

And congrats for being pregnant :)

It sounds like this is what you wanted.

My humble opinion is this one: this child will have a mother, and you will take good care of it, the best you can, and noone will and can expect anything else or anything more than that.

Donuts on what is important now: rest and vitamins and you know the drill, you've been there :)

This child will be happy and protected and cared for, for it had a mother. And even when everything falls apart, which is unclear now, and might not, you'll be there to care for your child and you'll manage. All the best, Debby

Posted Sat April 11, 2020 12:18pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

3 posts

Focus, not Donuts :)

Posted Sat April 11, 2020 12:25pmReport post

Quick exit