Family and Friends Forum

Online again feel broken

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Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Fri April 10, 2020 7:06pmReport post

Hello everyone feeling broken again :-( After my partner was sentenced Wednesday another court report has now been published online by the selfish local newspaper for all to see. This one now going into the sordid details of what happened when he met a underage police decoy on the whispers app, and arranged to meet them, and what sort of messages were exchanged in between. Not a very nice read. This has broke me again feel like how can I move on from this. Is time a healer guys??


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Posted Sat April 11, 2020 2:50amReport post

Oh sweetie i don't know what to say xxHugs and stay strongxx


Member since
January 2020

78 posts

Posted Sat April 11, 2020 1:32pmReport post

I am sorry to hear this flossy. the papers think they are helping but in alot of ways they are creating more problems. Take care of ourself, sending bigs hugs stay strong xxxxx


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Sat April 11, 2020 8:01pmReport post

Thanks guys,

I've not been back on Facebook etc since this first happened then I can't get upset with any vile comments people have wrote. The local paper picked out all sordid nasty details. Made him out to be a monster, not the man I love and remember.

what he's done is very wrong but I'd like to see other side of conversation what the decoy said to him in return. This has broken me and his family, I'm glad I found this forum because it's hard talking to friends n family who've not been in a similar situation.
take care people x


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 7:54amReport post

Hi Flossy

I'm so sorry the press have got hold of this, just as you think you're coming to the end this then happens! Are people being okay with you, are you safe at home? What was your husband's sentence? Its so unfair, the press want to sell papers so will make it sound terrible and other people will make their own minds up about it!

I hope your have support through this? Please look after yourself, be kind to you.

The forum was an absolute life saver for me when I first started on here, I would read people's stories and think how it could have been me they were writing about, the relief I felt was amazing. Keep coming on here, rant and rave if you want, we're all here for each other, we all understand and you will be helping others who maybe haven't got the confidence to write on here!

Try ringing the helpline to, they are amazing people and can help you.

Take care xx


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 9:17amReport post

Thanks Tracey,

Yeah this 2nd court report by the press is obviously the worst he’s been sentenced so they are allowed to write and obviously pick out all the sordid details of what they’d talked about mostly sex, and he’d sent a picture of himself, arranged to meet, never says what they’d said in return! Obviously a ego boost for him!reading about that it felt like I’d been punched in the stomach once more back to square one!

I know that article will be doing the rounds online maybe now with a photo so I’m not looking it will only upset me reading what vile comments people write. Got a nasty feeling it will be in today’s local newspaper too :-( people have been sympathetic towards me and at the moment I’m not seeing many people he knew because of this lockdown. It’ll probably more of his family that’ll be getting people questioning them.

I moved in with my parents when it happened n not been back only to check on house, obvs local paper writing these articles with my address on are putting me off going back I know all neighbours will know it’s only a small street, not sure if I’d feel safe there at the moment, and there’s all the memories there too, to me he wasn’t a monster.

He got 2 years in prison and 2 on license, on sex offenders indefinitely and shpo 5 years I think. He’s ruined his life, and even though he’s done this I still don’t want this to end his life, if u no what I mean. I need to somehow try to move on myself, we weren’t married (even though I’d have loved to) and luckily no children messed up in it.

I’ve rang the helpline once before I knew what sentence he was getting one evening when I was feeling pretty low, I spoke to a lovely lady who put me at ease, I may ring them again.

Take care yourself xx


Member since
July 2019

221 posts

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 9:30amReport post

Hi Flossy, I'm so sorry to hear of your experience. My advice would be to remain off social media and don't be tempted to look. It will pass and people will have something else to keyboard warrior about soon enough. Take care of yourself. Self care and keep busy. Xxxx


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 11:39amReport post

Thanks partner,

i won't be looking online, so won't be reading any nasty comments by keyboard warriors as you say lol I like it. it's hard with all this lockdown on other hand no ones gossiping in local pubs where he was well known and liked, and I'm still working so that's passing my time, about 3 people at work who I'm quite close to know because they read 1st report online, they've said they'll keep quiet. Just don't want any busy bodies and gossip mongers there finding out. Can I fast forward a few months then it'll be old news hopefully x