Family and Friends Forum

Help! Confided in close friend, now being ignored!

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Member since
January 2020

25 posts

I feel I've done something utterly stupid!! Confided in a close friend as feeling so alone and desperate and they not answered my message, I'm so scared she'll never speak to me again and even worse tell others!! I don't know what to do, I'm so bloody stupid!! X

Posted Sun April 12, 2020 12:50amReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Oh sweetie , its so hard knowing who to trust

I have only told one person outside my family and have been so lucky that they have supported myself and my husband.But i have other friends who know something is up but i think right i will tell them but chicken out.

Cwtch sweetie and breath. Xx

Posted Sun April 12, 2020 11:19amReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Owl you haven't done anything stupid. All you did is what any human does in distress and that is to reach out. That's a very strong thing to do in this terrible situation we find ourselves. I had no choice but to tell everyone as husband was trapped by vigilantes and it was put on facebook. Out of the experience I have found that most people are kind and compassionate. Some not so much. I have found some very unexpected friends who I would rate as my best friends now. They were casual acquaintances before. My 'best' friends have not handled it so well as they are hurt too. I think it all takes time for people to process. They don't understand it as well as we do as they have no need to do the endless researching to make sense of it. take care and be kind to yourself. xx

Posted Sun April 12, 2020 8:32pmReport post


Member since
January 2020

25 posts

Thankyou all so much for your heartfelt replies, it turned out my friend's phone got smashed and it took her a while to reply, I breathed a massive sigh of relief and burst into tears, she said she wanted to come give me a cuddle but can't with the lockdown so she sent me a virtual hug, I honestly thought I'd lost her friendship and I sat up all last night stressing and agonising and having panic attacks, is this our life now?? My body is screaming at me with stress and physical pain and I just push through it everyday as best I can, I know I'm not the only one going through this and it really does help being able to openly talk on here with everyone xx thanku all again and I truly wish you all well xxx

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 12:45amReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

hi Owl

It's a horrible thing to think someone has turned against you, I'm so glad your friend is sticking by you.

I've also found out that people I thought would be there haven't and been surprised by the support of others!

It does get better with time trust me, I'm 2 years down the road and I certainly have more good days than bad.

Have you seen your GP, not easy at the moment I know, but if you haven't it might be worth trying to get an appointment.

This whole lockdown isn't helping people in our situation either, it gives you too much time to think and life routines aren't happening. I always thought I'd love to work from home but I hate it, I just can't get motivated!

Try and look after you, self care at the moment is so important for you, you will get through this, I promise, you will come out the other side, does it ever leave you? Don't know the answer to that one I'm afraid

Take care xx

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 7:46amReport post

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