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16 year old son arrested

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Member since
April 2020

27 posts

Please help me as i'm at a loss.My 16 year old son was arested a few days ago for posessing and distrubuting indicent images .He has since told me he had over 4000 videos and photos on his computers .I feel disgusted by him ,but he is still my son .There were about 8 plain clothed police officers and one told me he would be tried at crown court ? I'm so worried he will go to prisson ,and ill be truthful i'm also really worried about what help to get .what if he does it again ? His bail conditions are no use of internet except in a library and no unsupervised contact with children under 18.

I have spoken to the stop it now helpline and i have my first telephone call with informyp on weds.

my whole life has imploded ,i never knew anything about this .i'm so worried for my sons future.Has anybody else had this experience that can advise me please ?xx

Posted Sun April 12, 2020 2:02pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Hi sweetie,

I am quiet new to this club that no one wants to join. First take care of you!You are going togo through every emotion there is. I myself have beeb oon a rollacoaster of emotions these past 5 weeks and am now only just starting to calm down enough to put my right head on and face this fully. Its good that you have been intouch with the help line and keep doing that . keep coming on here as there is so much support.Go on the stopitnow web page. Its good that your son has been honest and now he will need help to get through this . LF and stopitnow will be able to help but he need to reconise that he need help and to accept that help. My hb has

My hb has an addiction to porn and sex so what we have decided is rhe explore this avenue to help him not reoffend and toget him back to his ild self. Thus may be something you may want to look into. There are mothers on thia forum so they can help you more with your personal situation. Remember none of this is your fault. Hugs sweetie xxYou are not alone in this take all the support you can xxxx

Posted Sun April 12, 2020 4:02pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

27 posts

Thank you so much for your replies ,It was only on Wed this happened and since then my son has tried to jump out of a top window to kill himself and both yesterday and today run off to "jump off a bridge " The police have found him on both occasions and today I spoke to a really kind officer who explained to my son that the likelyhood of him going to jail at his age is very unlikely and he also said he was dealing with a similar case himself and even though he could not advise in anyway he said ..!if id been arrested i would use such and such solicitor and his colleague said the same !! So that has given me a bit of hope that i can at least find a good solicitor as the duty one didnt even tell my son what may happen to him !!!! He is 16 fgs !!! Yes he has done very very wrong ...but he is a human being in his last year of school .Like most parents I didnt see this coming and I switch from feeling he is a monster to he is my son and I love him .Please people you can give any forms of replies to me ...please just reply because I don't know what to do son told me this started at the end of year 9 has a child become so different to other children .....and why didn't I notice xx

Posted Sun April 12, 2020 7:17pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

I feel so sorry for you and your son. He is so young, a child himself. Of course it is wrong to have illegal images, but from what I have learnt since being exposed to this scary world, is that this material is very easy to get hold of. Far too easy. In my view not enough is done to deal with the monsters uploading the images, and the porn industry is making an absolute fortune. My very capable and successful husband, who is an adult and should know better, says he was groomed by predators on the internet, porn was an addiction. I had no idea of his addiction at all.

Have a look at Both you and your son, it will help you make sense of it all.

Not enough education is given on this subject. I wish I’d have known and I maybe could have helped and supported my husband and got him the help he so needed before the vigilantes trapped him.

We are here to listen and help. Take care. This is a long journey. x

Posted Sun April 12, 2020 7:38pmReport post


Member since
July 2019

74 posts

Sorry to hear this. I would also agree to be very careful on what you say to the police. Things which can sound fine in the context of a conversation when someone is trying to be helpful, can be written in such a way and read out in court that sounds very different. Of course there are a lot of lovely police officers out there, but there are some who are just looking for a conviction at any cost. They have had a lot of training and experience, and they are looking for information which helps them convict. Get a good solicitor that specialises in this area, and do not talk to the police without a solicitor. You'll need to look at the bail conditions and see if there is scope for the being changed if they are not considered fair. No contact with anyone under 18, when the person is only 16 sounds difficult to comply with. Also the restrictions in internet access could be difficult, depending on the details. Obviously I do not know the details, but you mentioned he had being doing this at a very young age, you could explore if he was being encouraged by others, perhaps grooming, their could be the angle of him being treated as a victim. Given his age, it would be better if they can get the case to court before he is 18, as reporting restrictions are usually in place for people under that age. But discuss this with your solicitor.

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 7:59amReport post


Member since
April 2020

27 posts

Tthank you for your advice Zack ....and I made a mistake on his bail conditions it is no unsupervised contact with children under 16.

Posted Mon April 13, 2020 11:23amReport post

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