Family and Friends Forum

Found out 4 weeks ago

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April 2020

3 posts

This is the fourth week for us since we found out, my babies 4 and 3 father was arrested under investigation for having photos of my eldest (now 18 and not his) on his phone going back the past 4 years as far as we can tell and naked pictures of the babies, including secret pictures he had taken of my eldest and naked pictures of my bits whilst I was asleep. I don't know how to cope at this point, woth covid19 the social worker and police cannot visit us and they haven't even had all his devices downloaded yet, it's such a long waiting game, I'm scared they will allow him supervised contact and how will I ever know if he ever touched them, I'm going mad and just need some helpful advice or any kind

Posted Tue April 14, 2020 2:14pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Oh hugs sweetie xx

Sorry that you have joined the club no one wants to join. One of the first things I was told when i came on here was its not you fault in any way, that is so important for you to know. You situation is different to mine and i have no young children to look after so no ss involvement apart from informing mu daughters who have young children. I am imagining that he is not aloud in the house, so he is gone and so is the danger. So let the emotions run , you are going togo through every emotion there is just let it happen. Phone the Lucy Foundation they are great and know what they are talking about. Was he arrested at your house , did he tell you he was in the SOR because if not. He has broken his condition s and this will go against him. Now from what i have read on this forum from ladies who have children , you need to show SS that you are protecting your children and except he is a risk to your family and you know this. As for a relationship that is up to you but as they will come under contact offences then you will have to jump through lots of res tape i should imagine . The best people to talk to is the LF line and stay around this forum because the support is amazing and no one judges you.

HHugs sweetie xxx

Posted Tue April 14, 2020 6:15pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Sorry forget about the bit about the SOR as i git confused with another postxx

Posted Tue April 14, 2020 6:18pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

3 posts

Thank you so much for your replies, no we had been split 18 months when he was arrested last month, he's not contacted us since thank god. Thanks for all the advice, I'll look into LF xx

Posted Fri April 17, 2020 2:30pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

3 posts

Yes my eldest knows all about the pictures of her and she's really shaken up and panicks a bit when food shopping in case she sees him and thinks she sees his car everywhere. It makes me so sad for her x

Posted Fri April 17, 2020 2:32pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

97 posts

Hi GG , We are only about 2 weeks in front of you and my lordy what a shock. I have veen through every emotion and a few more i think and am now only beginning to think straight. I have been toy GP and am now on anti depressants and have spoken to LF and am reading the porn trap. These have worked for me. But this forum is the best in getting me through and I am now talking to other women and that helps because they are at different stages so it gives an insite to whats to come. Two bits of advice i got from this forum One don't make any big ducissions two its not your fault in any way and as aside note what ever you decide its up to you andknow one else. Hope this helps xx Hugs sweetie

Posted Fri April 17, 2020 4:35pmReport post

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