Family and Friends Forum

Sex offenders list

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Member since
April 2020

6 posts

Posted Tue April 14, 2020 2:33pmReport post

I have recently found out that my partner is on the sex offenders list. Due to me having two children, social services are now involved. An number of things have currently been put in place to protect my children, that my partner can not have contact with the children and he isnt allowed in the property. I feel like Social Services are against me and trying to force my hand in ending the relationship with my partner or the kids will be moved out of my care to their dad, that they are suggesting that i am not protecting my children or putting them first. They are my world and have always been my main priority, but now i fear they are trying to take them away from me. At the moment, i am lost with what to do to show them i am the best for my children but also on what can be done about possibly keeping my relationship. My partner has been on the register for 4 years so far and nothing has flagged up. He has 3 years left.


Member since
April 2020

6 posts

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 8:03amReport post

Thank you lost123.

I have been with my partner a few months now and I found out from him about a month ago. He told me about his conviction and then SS got approval to disclose in more detail. He was done with possession of pictures which he says he was sent and deleted. The police recovered them. He isnt under investigation now but has checks done through out the year. An assessment has been done from SS but only on what is on paper, they haven't spoken to him about it. I have already spoken to Lucy Faithfull Foundation and I have been put on a list for a call back to see what can be offered.

As for SS, I just dont know what they are planning on doing as I have heard they told my ex that they would prefer him to take the kids.

A child protection conference is taking place at the end of the month and SS are hoping for a child protection plan to be put in place but I have heard that a child in need plan would suit me better. SS are saying that they will always seem my partner high risk even though they haven't assessed him.

I'm just scared of losing my kids.


Member since
April 2020

6 posts

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 10:25amReport post


The social services have spoken to both myself and my children twice now, both at my home. The have also spoken to my ex.

I am waiting on a call back from my assigned social worker today to see exactly where i stand. I plan on asking if it is true what was said to my ex about them preferring him to take them.



Member since
April 2020

6 posts

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 10:26amReport post

Can i ask though, did you and your husband have to seperate? or was he just asked to move out?


Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Sat May 2, 2020 11:34pmReport post

I also found out my partner was on SOR a few months into the relationship, I also have 2 other children from a previous relationship

My story is long as I've been on child protection for a year, before the police disclosed to me what had happened I fell pregnant, so we currently have a baby together, it's been gruelling, he's not allowed anywhere near my 2 children from previous, and he's only allowed supervised contact with our baby with a family member present, apparently they need to run a mental health assessment on me because they're struggling to understand why I'm so emotionally flat and why I've stayed with my partner, I'll fight them until the end i really will, he only has 2 years left on the register and ends probation in a couple of months, he's done 3 years already. Social services have never gave me a choice of said they will take the children. And I've clearly said to them I will stay with my partner and I will fight you all the way. Me and my social worker do not get along, she's intimidating, she's younger than me, fresh out of uni following the rules by the book, I understand their concerns , but it's very very frustrating when you know you wouldn't let anything happen to your children, and they think you will.


Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Sun May 3, 2020 12:36amReport post

Also does your children's dad know about your current partners offences? SS will attend his property with the police to disclose this to him if he has PR and you remain in the relationship