Family and Friends Forum

Nearly a Year

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Member since
April 2019

12 posts

It's been nearly a year now. I'm not looking for advice, it's been a while since I last posted.

Today feels like an anniversary, it's not but the day after Easter monday last year is the day of the knock for me. It was actually 23rd April. It's like having two one year hurdles.

I have been through a lot, this forum gave me friends I could now never replace, a strength i never knew i had and a support network i love with all my heart.

No matter the circumstances we are not alone.

Nearly a year on and the evidence has just been passed to the CPS for a charging decision. I'm now free of social services and trying to start my life again. My electronics havent yet been returned, I have lost friends, gained them, lost myself and found me again, I have learnt things and realised that you cant predict how you will feel or react.

I just want you to know that yes it takes time, yes it takes over and yes it changes who you are but you will come through, you will survive and we are all here for each other

Sending love to all xx

Posted Tue April 14, 2020 11:02pmReport post

Blue Jay

Member since
April 2020

7 posts

Thanks for sharing this ??

It's been invaluable having this forum here to read about the different stages people are at, even if I haven't posted much. I'm glad it's been a source of support for you and still is, and hope you get some kind of closure on this whole thing soon.

Take care and all the best x

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 10:40pmReport post

Blue Jay

Member since
April 2020

7 posts

Oops ignore the "??" that was meant to be a heart!


Posted Wed April 15, 2020 10:41pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

27 posts

Such an encouraging post xx I am only a week in since the knock,and I realise my life will never be the same again.I'm so sad for my 16 year old son as he doesn't yet realize the effect this is going to have on him in the future !! I spent the last 16 years of my life hoping to help shape him into a good man with a good future ! and now this has happened .I feel at the moment that both our lives we knew have been completley ruined.I have already lost my best friend over this and won't be able to continue in my business if it gets out in anyway as it primeraly involves working with children ,

All I can do is get him as much help as possible in the hope that at his age he can be rehabilitated .Wow a year on ....I just can't imagine where we will be then in our journey !!

Thank you to everyone that posts and answers posts as I think like many it is a lifeline to realise you are not alone in this unbearable situation that we have all found ourselves in through no fault of our own and stay strong xx

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 11:53pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi M1213

Just wanted to say you're an amazing lady and mum and I love you very much xx

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 4:47pmReport post

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