Family and Friends Forum

what to expect

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Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Hi all,i had he knock 8 weeks ago and my son was arrested for cat A, 10 days later he tried to take his own life, now my anti depressents have kicked in i need to get our lives back on track and understand the process. His solicitor told him on the day that he was looking at imprisonment, i called "stop it now"and spoke to an advisor who is an ex police officer from child protection, he told me that it's very rare anyone goes to prison for down loading images.

i dont know what the process is or what to believe.

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 12:28amReport post

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts

Hey Jake,

Sorry you find yourself in this situation .

Well done for picking up the phone to stop it now- they were a massive help to me in the early days. My husbands duty solicitor said the same to him about custodial sentence and actually we are just waiting for his no further action papers. When looking at cases it's a massive mix of factors but custodial sentence for a single image whatever the category would seem harsh especially if first offence.

Have you managed to have a full conversation with your son yet, is there likely to be more the police sill find through forensic checking of the phone?

If hes been upfront and honest with you and them then that always goes in favour.

We are 18 months post knock now for a single sordid conversation and our life is back on track. U dint wake up with the fear of the police knocking our door anymore and noises in the night outside dont keep me up for hours. The main thing you can do is get your lad help, when hes ready to accept help. Counselling did alot for my husband alongside anti depressants. Hes now off them and no longer in counselling as they have worked through as much as they can.

Take care


Posted Wed April 15, 2020 7:32amReport post

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts

Also to answer your question about process.

Electronics will be forensic checked, if any additional evidence is found son will be called to another interview. Once all interviews are done the case will be passed to CPS for a charging decision. If there is a case to answer in the view of CPS, charges will be issued by police either in person, over phone or letter. Magistrates court first and then normally goes to crown court.

Timescales wise seems to depend on where you are in the country ranging from 3 months to nearly 3 years I have seen one case.


Posted Wed April 15, 2020 7:36amReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

Perhaps they mention prison sentence since that is the worst case for having a Cat A(I believe). But just because that is the top penalty doesn't mean it will be the outcome. There are multiple factors the judge will look at when sentencing.

But a court date is likely to be a long while I am afraid. It is still early days for your son. I recommend they get in touch with Lucy faithful if not done so already to see what available courses or material is out there to start rehabilitation. This will help them understand what led them down this path and how to stop it happening again. They will need as much support as possible. There is also material and support for parents, partners and family to help you through too.

By your son showing they are making efforts to not reoffend that may help reduce a sentence. He needs to be proactive, the authorities don't hand out support from what I have seen. Use this forum to see what others have experienced and we are all friendly and do not judge.


Posted Wed April 15, 2020 12:42pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts

Hi Jake

Re the comments of your sons solicitor, from my perspective that was hardly supporting advice from someone who's paid to defend your son. If it wax a duty solicitor I would be very weary as they are normally very pally with police investigators. It not what there supposed to do..

If you can Google solicitors who are experts in sexual offences legislation... Do not rely on a half wit... My partner used a duty solicitor and his use was as good as a chocolate tea pot... His summoning up in court over shadowed the prosecution... He practically crusified my partner.. Its something I will never forget...

Best wishes

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 1:46pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

34 posts


Thank you all for your replies it means a lot xx, how to i get in touch with the lucy faithfull please, i want as much info that can educate my son x

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 3:32pmReport post

Blue Jay

Member since
April 2020

7 posts

Hey Jake,

I'm so sorry for the situation you're in.

I'm new to all of this and haven't rung the helpline yet, but I understand that the Lucy Faithfull Foundation (LFF) are the charity here and that Stop It Now! is their helpline for people to ring. I think it's that helpline 0808 1000 900 that will give you the advice and guidance, and explain what services the charity can offer your son.

I wish you all the best x

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 7:54pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Thank you Blue Jay

i have looked on the lucy faithfull website and the course that seems to be of help is going to cost me £780? is this correct,as i am on furlough at the moment and i have made my son resign from his job so money is tight at the moment.

Posted Wed April 15, 2020 11:57pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

371 posts

There are two courses available. One for offenders and one for family and partners. The family one is free and runs for 5 week's, the other is about 700 but payment plans are available on request. There is some online material I think on stop it now for offenders to look at.

My partner did the course and highly recommends it. He really needed the professional help and perspective to understand his triggers and they also help understand the legal process. They also had people come in to discuss their experience.

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 11:42amReport post


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Hi Lee 1969

Thanks for your info, my son is 30, he suffers from depression (as do i) and as always been a loaner, we have discovered that abuse took place in childhood so weare asuming it stems from this, he has broke down to me wanting to know what his wrong with him. he is on the mental health crises team waiting for counseling but covid 19 has put a stopto all that x

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 5:28pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

34 posts

Hi Lee 1069

How do i look back at old posts please, i understand what you mean about making big decisions, the first two weeks we were ready to move to the other end of the country, i have never been so scared , im the one that suffers with depression but it has affected my husband so badly that he has had a break down,i have had to cope with both of them and carry on working in a pub being the life and soul and jolly self that i normally am,no i amon lock down i am loosing it x

Posted Fri April 17, 2020 12:42amReport post

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