Family and Friends Forum

Don't know where to turn

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Member since
April 2020

27 posts

My husband was arrested 4 weeks ago now for indecent images, this was a total shock to me. He says it is only very limited images (less than 10) that he accessed via a chat forum in a porn site over a period of a few days. On speaking with the police and trying to understand this it seems they are category B. None of them are stored on his phone anymore he deleted them. This is totally out of character and not something anyone would believe he would do. He has never approached a child and has not interest in children, it was porn out of control. I am trying to find my way with all of this information, whilst in lock down situation with our 16 year old daughter who knows nothing at this point. I am dealiing with communicating with solicitors, police and social workers as all of his devices were taken.

Not really sure what to do or how to feel?

What are the likely sentencing outcomes?

I haven't spoken to anyone other than to Stop it Now advice line.

Any advice gratefully recieved

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 3:57pmReport post


Member since
April 2020

27 posts

Thanks - it is just horrible, and we feel like we are living in a nightmare, the DC I am communicating with keeps telling me different things, I am not sure if she is trying to fob me off or just not sure what she is doing!

If it is between 4 and 24 months of this I don't think he will cope with it, I am trying to keep him from getting too depressed with all of this but it is hard work. No one to talk to during this time for either of us except the helpline.

Posted Tue April 21, 2020 5:20pmReport post

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