Family and Friends Forum

SHPO help/advice

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Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi, anyone with any experience of SHPO?

Quick summary, husband convicted of possession/sharing indecent images in all categories. Probation have recommended community order. In the SHPO it says no contact with any child at all unless accompanied by an adult who knows about the offence and with the express permission of social services in the area. So this means we couldn't even meet our grandchildren for a picnic in the park? Social services have already advised my daughter to have minimal to no contact and she's had to agree to be deemed safe. Has anyone ever appealed or got it changed? It's just the bit about specific permission from ss that's bothering me as one of our daughters lives abroad and if/when she visits we couldn't see her without ss involvement but she'd only be here for a week. All post lock down of course.

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 6:39pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Person convicted is the children's grandfather so no children live with us. Just concerned about future contact with grandchildren

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 6:40pmReport post


Member since
February 2020

69 posts

Hi Ann P

My hb had a SHPO and the condition was no unsupervised access with anyone under 18 unless accompanied by an adult who knows about the offense but nothing to do with seeking permission from Social services. This bit seems harsh to me. Did your husband discuss this with his lawyer?

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 11:03pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Hi Hopingforthebest

It was on what the solicitor called 'a draft SHPO' so it may not be final. My husband has to call her on Monday to discuss it. It seems harsh to me really as I'm not sure if it means we have to contact social services every time we see them? I'm quite confused about it. Our older daughter has already been contacted by ss and in the end had to sign a 'family safety plan' which stipulated her boys should never contact their grandad independently and that contact should be 'minimal' so she's pretty much decided that it will be easier not to see him at all. Obviously at the moment we can't anyway.

Thank you for your reply though and I'll let you know what happens.

Posted Thu April 16, 2020 11:14pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

25 posts

Hi Ann P

My husband is subject to a 10 year shpo, his states no direct or indirect contact with anyone under 16 (he was convicted of downloading images).

We have a child and as spoke to our son and I gave Express permission for him to have unrestricted access to our son ( we continue to live together).

We recently had plans to attend a wedding and the only way they would allow my husband to attend was if as spoke to each set of parents attending the event and seeking their permission. We considered this to be too much hassle and he decided not to attend.

Hopefully you will still be able to spend time with your family even if you have to jump through a few hoops to get there.

I hope it works out for you


Posted Sun May 3, 2020 6:52pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

25 posts

*as should read SS

Posted Sun May 3, 2020 6:53pmReport post

Ann P

Member since
February 2020

169 posts

Bella Rose, thanks for your reply. We're currently waiting for sentencing and that's when the SHPO will become clear. Then it's a question of if the children will want to see him at all anyway as they're all very angry and hurt at the moment. The lockdown has meant we haven't been allowed to see them anyway but it won't last forever and we'll have to decide what future contact is going to look like once the legal side is done. I wish with all my heart he could have had a moment of sanity to realise how devastating what he was doing was for our family. Pornography of all sorts wrecks lives.

Posted Mon May 4, 2020 1:28pmReport post

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