Family and Friends Forum

Now a mugshot has been posted

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Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Fri April 17, 2020 4:55pmReport post

hi everyone,

a week after the local rag newspaper posted a lovely sordid description of my partners grooming sentencing, they have now rubbed salt in the wound even more by adding a nice police mugshot to their story online, obvs to create more interest. If people didn't know who it was before they definitely know now. Not been looking myself so I've not seen it was happy hoping there wasn't one, a couple of friends txt to say they'd seen it wish they hadn't :-( wish I could disappear off face of the earth, maybe a bit exaggerated statement but does this ever get better, one blow after another, sorry for ranting but more angry at moment with what damage media coverage does to family than what he's done.


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Fri April 17, 2020 6:54pmReport post

Hi lee1969

no neither of us have any children thankfully, I feel for people who have got children and are trying to cope with everything. I sent the editor of the paper a email when the 1st article was published, saying I didn't want them printing my address, this is my house owned entirely by me and he wasn't living there anymore, she sent one back saying the address printed was the one read out in court so they had the right to print it. Maybe so, but I never had the chance to throw him out because they'd already arrested him and detained him and put him on remand. All this coverage is not only distressing for me and his family but it is now making me fearful of going back to my own home. I don't think they realise how heartbreaking and upsetting all this is in the 1st place without added stress of wondering if will go online or in the local newspaper.

Thanks for replying it's nice to know there are people you can talk to on here who are going through the same thing


Member since
February 2020

84 posts

Posted Fri April 17, 2020 8:33pmReport post

Thanks, fast forward to it being old news please, just still feels raw at the moment. Social media has a lot to answer for its good when everything's hunky dory, but when things go wrong in people's lives it can destroy them.
virtual hugs to you too x
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